Flutter List Bloc Package


The flutter_list_bloc package is a Flutter-specific extension of the list_bloc package, designed to seamlessly integrate BLoC pattern with Flutter widgets for efficient data management and UI rendering. It provides a set of builders and widgets that work with different types of lists and data structures, making it easier to manage state and build responsive UIs in Flutter applications.

Key Components

  • ListBlocBuilder: Builds a list of items based on the state of a ListCubit.
  • DataBlocBuilder: Manages the rendering of a single data item based on the state of a DataCubit.
  • ListViewBlocBuilder: Extends ListBlocBuilder for building scrollable lists.
  • ContinuousScrollBuilder: Implements infinite scrolling functionality.
  • ContinuousListViewBlocBuilder: Combines ListViewBlocBuilder with ContinuousScrollBuilder for infinite scrolling lists.
  • PageViewBlocBuilder: Manages paginated data using PaginatedCubit.
  • SliverListBlocBuilder: Integrates with Flutter's sliver widgets for custom scroll effects.


Include the package in your Flutter project by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_list_bloc: ^latest_version


Basic ListBlocBuilder Example

ListBlocBuilder<MyListCubit, MyItemType, MyFilterType>(
  cubit: myListCubit,
  itemBuilder: (context, state, index, item) => MyItemWidget(item),
  emptyBuilder: (context, state) => Text('No items found'),
  loadingBuilder: (context, state) => CircularProgressIndicator(),
  builder: (context, state, itemCount, itemBuilder) => ListView.builder(
    itemCount: itemCount,
    itemBuilder: itemBuilder,

ContinuousListViewBlocBuilder for Infinite Scrolling

ContinuousListViewBlocBuilder<MyListCubit, MyItemType, MyFilterType>(
  cubit: myListCubit,
  itemBuilder: (context, state, index, item) => MyItemWidget(item),
  emptyBuilder: (context, state) => Text('No more items'),
  loadingBuilder: (context, state) => CircularProgressIndicator(),
  // Additional configurations...

PageViewBlocBuilder for Paginated Data

PageViewBlocBuilder<MyPaginatedItemType, MyFilterType>(
  cubit: myPaginatedCubit,
  pageBuilder: (context, state) => MyPageWidget(state.data),
  emptyBuilder: (context, state) => Text('No pages available'),
  // Additional configurations...

Other builder classes have similar pattern and attributes.

Features and Bugs

We encourage feedback and contributions to improve this package. Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

