idToken property

Map<String, dynamic>? idToken

The Map<String, dynamic> representation of the received ID Token. This getter converts the received idTokenRaw to a dictionary format if it exists.

If you are not applying an ID Token when login, null is returned.


Map<String, dynamic>? get idToken {
  // Lazy variable.
  if (_idToken != null) {
    return _idToken;
  if (idTokenRaw == null) {
    return null;

  final parts = idTokenRaw!.split('.');
  // Malformed JWT format.
  if (parts.length != 3) {
    return null;

  // dart:convert is a bit pedantic and it requires a normalized format of base 64,
  // even encoded by base 64 url.
  final normalizedPayload = base64.normalize(parts[1]);
  final jsonPayload = utf8.decode(base64Url.decode(normalizedPayload));
  _idToken = jsonDecode(jsonPayload);
  return _idToken;