JSValue class

A JavaScript value. The base type for all JavaScript values, and polymorphic functions on them.


JSValue(JSContext context, Pointer<NativeType> pointer)
JSValue.makeBoolean(JSContext context, bool boolean)
Creates a JavaScript value of the boolean type. boolean The bool to assign to the newly created JSValue.
JSValue.makeFromJSONString(JSContext context, String string)
Creates a JavaScript value from a JSON formatted string. string The JSString containing the JSON string to be parsed.
JSValue.makeNull(JSContext context)
Creates a JavaScript value of the null type.
JSValue.makeNumber(JSContext context, double number)
Creates a JavaScript value of the number type. number The double to assign to the newly created JSValue.
JSValue.makeString(JSContext context, String string)
Creates a JavaScript value of the string type. string The double to assign to the newly created JSValue.
JSValue.makeSymbol(JSContext context, String description)
Creates a JavaScript value of the symbol type. description A description of the newly created symbol value.
JSValue.makeUndefined(JSContext context)
Creates a JavaScript value of the undefined type.


context JSContext
JavaScript context
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isArray bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value is an array.
no setter
isBoolean bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the boolean type.
no setter
isDate bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value is a date.
no setter
isNull bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the null type.
no setter
isNumber bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the number type.
no setter
isObject bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the object type.
no setter
isString bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the string type.
no setter
isSymbol bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the symbol type.
no setter
isUndefined bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the undefined type.
no setter
pointer Pointer<NativeType>
C pointer
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
string String?
Converts a JavaScript value to number and returns the resulting string.
no setter
toBoolean bool
Converts a JavaScript value to boolean and returns the resulting boolean.
no setter
type JSType
Value type
no setter


createJSONString({int indent = 4, JSValuePointer? exception}) JSString
Creates a JavaScript string containing the JSON serialized representation of a JS value. indent The number of spaces to indent when nesting. If 0, the resulting JSON will not contains newlines. The size of the indent is clamped to 10 spaces. exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
getTypedArrayType({JSValuePointer? exception}) JSTypedArrayType
Returns a JavaScript value's Typed Array type.
isEqual(JSValue other, {JSValuePointer? exception}) bool
Tests whether two JavaScript values are equal, as compared by the JS == operator.
isInstanceOfConstructor(JSObject constructor, {JSValuePointer? exception}) bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value is an object constructed by a given constructor, as compared by the JS instanceof operator.
isObjectOfClass(JSClass jsClass) bool
Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the symbol type. jsClass The JSClass to test against.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
protect() → void
Protects a JavaScript value from garbage collection. Use this method when you want to store a JSValue in a global or on the heap, where the garbage collector will not be able to discover your reference to it.
toNumber({JSValuePointer? exception}) double
Converts a JavaScript value to number and returns the resulting number. exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
toObject({JSValuePointer? exception}) JSObject
Converts a JavaScript value to object and returns the resulting object. exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toStringCopy({JSValuePointer? exception}) JSString
Converts a JavaScript value to string and copies the result into a JavaScript string. exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
unProtect() → void
Protects a JavaScript value from garbage collection. Use this method when you want to store a JSValue in a global or on the heap, where the garbage collector will not be able to discover your reference to it.


operator ==(Object other) bool
Tests whether two JavaScript values are strict equal, as compared by the JS === operator.

Static Methods

cEnumToJSType(int typeCode) JSType
C enum to enum JSType
cEnumToJSTypedArrayType(int typeCode) JSTypedArrayType
C enum to enum JSTypedArrayType
jSTypedArrayTypeToCEnum(JSTypedArrayType type) int
enum JSTypedArrayType to C enum
jSTypeToCEnum(JSType type) int
enum JSType to C enum