getPropertyAtIndex method

JSValue getPropertyAtIndex(
  1. int propertyIndex, {
  2. JSValuePointer? exception,

Gets a property from an object by numeric index. Calling JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex is equivalent to calling JSObjectGetProperty with a string containing propertyIndex, but JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex provides optimized access to numeric properties. propertyIndex (unsigned) An integer value that is the property's name. exception (JSValueRef*) A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.


JSValue getPropertyAtIndex(
  int propertyIndex, {
  JSValuePointer? exception,
}) {
  return JSValue(
      JSObjectRef.jSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(context.pointer, pointer,
          propertyIndex, (exception ?? JSValuePointer(nullptr)).pointer));