seekDatoms method

dynamic seekDatoms(
  1. dynamic db,
  2. dynamic index,
  3. Object? c1,
  4. Object? c2,
  5. Object? c3,
  6. Object? c4,

Similar to [datoms], but will return datoms starting from specified components and including rest of the database until the end of the index.


seekDatoms(db, index, Object? c1, Object? c2, Object? c3, Object? c4) {
  final code = """
  vendor.ds.seek_datoms(${db.toJsCode()}, '$index', ${jsonEncode(c1)}, ${jsonEncode(c2)}, ${jsonEncode(c3)}, ${jsonEncode(c4)});
  var res = context.evaluate(code) as List;
  return toEavt(res);