DataScript class




connections List
Returns connections ids.
no setter
context ↔ JsContext
getter/setter pair
databases List
Returns database ids.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


connFromDatoms(dynamic dataoms, {Schema? schema}) → JsRef
Creates an empty JsRef and a mutable reference to it. See createConn.
connFromDb(JsRef db) → JsRef
Creates a mutable reference to a given immutable database. See createConn.
createConn({Schema? schema}) → JsRef
Creates a mutable reference (a “connection”) to an empty immutable database inside JsRuntime.
datoms(JsRef db, String index, Object? c1, Object? c2, Object? c3, Object? c4) → dynamic
Index lookup. Returns a sequence of datoms (lazy iterator over actual Db index) which components (e, a, v) match passed arguments.
db(JsRef conn) → JsRef
Creates the underlying immutable database from a connection.
dbWith(JsRef db, List entities) Future<JsRef>
Applies transaction to an immutable db value, returning new immutable db value. Same as (:db-after (with db tx-data)).
emptyDb({Schema? schema}) → JsRef
Creates an empty database with an optional schema.
entity(JsRef db, dynamic eid) Entity
Retrieves an entity by its id from database. Entities are lazy map-like structures to navigate DataScript database content.
entityDb(Entity e) → JsRef
Returns a db that entity was created from.
filter(dynamic db, dynamic pred) Future
Returns a view over database that has same interface but only includes datoms for which the (pred db datom) is true. Can be applied multiple times.
fromSerializable(dynamic serializable, dynamic opts) Future
Creates db from a data structure (not string!) produced by serializable.
indexRange(JsRef db, dynamic attr, dynamic start, dynamic end) Future
Returns part of :avet index between [_ attr start] and [_ attr end] in AVET sort order.
initDb(dynamic datoms, {Schema? schema}) → JsRef
Low-level fn for creating database quickly from a trusted sequence of datoms.
isFiltered(JsRef db) Future<bool>
Returns true if this database was filtered using [filter], false otherwise."
listen(JsRef conn, String key, void callback(dynamic)) → dynamic
Listen for changes on the given connection.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pull(JsRef db, dynamic pattern, dynamic lookup) Future
Fetches data from database using recursive declarative description. See
pullMany(JsRef db, dynamic pattern, List lookup) Future
Same as pull, but accepts sequence of ids and returns sequence of maps.
q(String query, List inputs) Future
Executes a datalog query. See
resetConn(JsRef conn, JsRef db, {dynamic txMeta}) → dynamic
Forces underlying conn value to become db. Will generate a TxReport that will remove everything from old value and insert everything from the new one."
resolveTempid(Map tempids, dynamic tempid) → dynamic
Does a lookup in tempids map, returning an entity id that tempid was resolved to.
seekDatoms(dynamic db, dynamic index, Object? c1, Object? c2, Object? c3, Object? c4) → dynamic
Similar to [datoms], but will return datoms starting from specified components and including rest of the database until the end of the index.
serializable(dynamic db, Object? opts) Future
Converts db into a data structure (not string!) that can be fed to serializer of your choice (e.g. js/JSON.stringify in CLJS, cheshire.core/generate-string or jsonista.core/write-value-as-string in CLJ).
squuid({int? msec}) Future<String>
Generates a UUID that grow with time. Such UUIDs will always go to the end of the index and that will minimize insertions in the middle.
squuidTimeMillis(dynamic uuid) Future<int>
Returns time that was used in [squuid] call, in milliseconds, rounded to the closest second.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
touch(Entity e) List
Forces all entity attributes to be eagerly fetched and cached. Only usable for debug output.
transact(JsRef conn, List txData, {dynamic txMeta}) Future<TxReport>
Applies transaction the underlying database value and atomically updates connection reference to point to the result of that transaction, new db value.
unListen(JsRef conn, String key) → dynamic
Removes registered listener from connection. See also [listen!].


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.