GraphComponent class

Boot of graph.


Mixed-in types
Available extensions


GraphComponent({required dynamic data, required GraphAlgorithm algorithm, required BuildContext context, required DataConvertor convertor, Options? options})


algorithm GraphAlgorithm
getter/setter pair
assets ↔ AssetsCache
The cache of all (non-image) assets loaded into the game. This defaults to the global Flame.assets cache, but you can replace this with another instance if needed.
getter/setter pairinherited
buildContext BuildContext?
Currently attached build context. Can be null if not attached.
no setterinherited
camera CameraComponent
The component that is responsible for rendering your world.
getter/setter pairinherited
canvasSize Vector2
no setterinherited
children ComponentSet
The children components of this component.
no setterinherited
collisionDetection ↔ CollisionDetection<ShapeHitbox, Broadphase<ShapeHitbox>>
getter/setter pairinherited
context BuildContext
getter/setter pair
convertor DataConvertor
getter/setter pair
data ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
debugColor Color
The color that the debug output should be rendered with.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugCoordinatesPrecision int?
How many decimal digits to print when displaying coordinates in the debug mode. Setting this to null will suppress all coordinates from the output.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugMode bool
Returns whether this Component is in debug mode or not. When a child is added to the Component it gets the same debugMode as its parent has when it is prepared.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPaint Paint
The debugColor represented as a Paint object.
no setterinherited
debugTextPaint TextPaint
Returns a TextPaint object with the debugColor set as color for the text.
no setterinherited
gameStateListeners List<VoidCallback>
gestureDetectors → GestureDetectorBuilder
Used internally by various mixins that need to use gesture detection functionality in Flutter.
graph Graph
getter/setter pair
hasChildren bool
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasLayout bool
Indicates if this game instance is connected to a GameWidget that is live in the flutter widget tree. Once this is true, the game is ready to have its size used or in the case of a FlameGame, to receive components.
no setterinherited
hasLifecycleEvents bool
no setterinherited
images ↔ Images
The cache of all images loaded into the game. This defaults to the global Flame.images cache, but you can replace it with a new cache instance if needed.
getter/setter pairinherited
isAttached bool
Whether the game widget was attached to the Flutter tree.
no setterinherited
isHovered bool
Returns true while the component is being dragged.
no setterinherited
isLoaded bool
Whether this component has completed its onLoad step.
no setterinherited
isLoading bool
Whether the component is currently executing its onLoad step.
no setterinherited
isMounted bool
Whether this component is currently added to a component tree.
no setterinherited
isMounting bool
no setterinherited
isRemoved bool
Whether the component has been removed. Originally this flag is false, but it becomes true after the component was mounted and then removed from its parent. The flag becomes false again when the component is mounted to a new parent.
no setterinherited
isRemoving bool
Whether the component is scheduled to be removed.
no setterinherited
key ComponentKey?
A key that can be used to identify this component in the tree.
legendCount int
getter/setter pair
loaded Future<void>
A future that completes when this component finishes loading.
no setterinherited
mounted Future<void>
A future that will complete once the component is mounted on its parent.
no setterinherited
mouseCursor MouseCursor
Used to change the mouse cursor of the GameWidget running this game. Setting the value to null will make the GameWidget defer the choice of the cursor to the closest region available on the tree.
getter/setter pairinherited
mouseDetector ↔ void Function(PointerHoverEvent event)?
Set by the PointerMoveDispatcher to receive mouse events from the game widget.
getter/setter pairinherited
notifiers List<ComponentsNotifier<Component>>
options Options
getter/setter pair
overlays → OverlayManager
A property that stores an OverlayManager
parent Component?
Who owns this component in the component tree.
getter/setter pairinherited
paused bool
Returns is the engine if currently paused or running
getter/setter pairinherited
pauseWhenBackgrounded bool
Whether the game should pause when the app is backgrounded.
getter/setter pairinherited
priority int
Render priority of this component. This allows you to control the order in which your components are rendered.
getter/setter pairinherited
removed Future<void>
A future that completes when this component is removed from its parent.
no setterinherited
renderBox → GameRenderBox
Just a reference back to the render box that is kept up to date by the engine.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scale ValueNotifier<double>
getter/setter pair
size Vector2
This is overwritten to consider the viewport transformation.
no setterinherited
world World
The World that the camera is rendering. Inside of this world is where most of your components should be added.
getter/setter pairinherited


add(Component component) FutureOr<void>
Schedules component to be added as a child to this component.
addAll(Iterable<Component> components) Future<void>
A convenience method to add multiple children at once.
addEdge(dynamic edata) → dynamic
Add an edge to the graph.
addGameStateListener(VoidCallback callback) → void
addToParent(Component parent) FutureOr<void>
Adds this component as a child of parent (see add for details).
addVertex(dynamic vdata) → dynamic
Add a vertex to the graph.
ancestors({bool includeSelf = false}) Iterable<Component>
An iterator producing this component's parent, then its parent's parent, then the great-grand-parent, and so on, until it reaches a component without a parent.
assertHasLayout() → void
attach(PipelineOwner owner, GameRenderBox gameRenderBox) → void
Marks game as attached to any Flutter widget tree.
backgroundColor() Color
Returns the game background color. By default it will return a black color. It cannot be changed at runtime, because the game widget does not get rebuild when this value changes.
clampZoom() → void
clearPosition() → dynamic
Clear all vertexes' position value.
componentsAtLocation<T>(T locationContext, List<T>? nestedContexts, T? transformContext(CoordinateTransform, T), bool checkContains(Component, T)) Iterable<Component>
This is a generic implementation of componentsAtPoint; refer to those docs for context.
componentsAtPoint(Vector2 point, [List<Vector2>? nestedPoints]) Iterable<Component>
An iterable of descendant components intersecting the given point. The point is in the local coordinate space.
componentsNotifier<T extends Component>() ComponentsNotifier<T>
Returns a ComponentsNotifier for the given type W.
contains(Component c) bool
Whether the children list contains the given component.
containsLocalPoint(Vector2 point) bool
Whether a point is within the boundaries of the visible part of the game.
containsPoint(Vector2 point) bool
Same as containsLocalPoint, but for a "global" point.
convertGlobalToLocalCoordinate(Vector2 point) Vector2
Converts a global coordinate (i.e. w.r.t. the app itself) to a local coordinate (i.e. w.r.t. he game widget). If the widget occupies the whole app ("full screen" games), or is not attached to Flutter, this operation is the identity.
convertLocalToGlobalCoordinate(Vector2 point) Vector2
Converts a local coordinate (i.e. w.r.t. the game widget) to a global coordinate (i.e. w.r.t. the app itself). If the widget occupies the whole app ("full screen" games), or is not attached to Flutter, this operation is the identity.
createComponentSet() ComponentSet
This method creates the children container for the current component. Override this method if you need to have a custom ComponentSet within a particular class.
createLegend() → void
currentTime() double
Returns the current time in seconds with microseconds precision.
dequeueAdd(Component child, Component parent) → void
dequeueRemove(Component child) → void
descendants({bool includeSelf = false, bool reversed = false}) Iterable<Component>
Recursively enumerates all nested children.
detach() → void
Marks game as no longer attached to any Flutter widget tree.
enqueueAdd(Component child, Component parent) → void
enqueueMove(Component child, Component newParent) → void
enqueueRebalance(Component parent) → void
enqueueRemove(Component child, Component parent) → void
finalizeRemoval() → void
findByKey<T extends Component>(ComponentKey key) → T?
findByKeyName<T extends Component>(String name) → T?
findGame() → FlameGame<World>?
Fetches the nearest FlameGame ancestor to the component.
findParent<T extends Component>({bool includeSelf = false}) → T?
Returns the closest parent further up the hierarchy that satisfies type=T, or null if no such parent can be found.
findRootGame() → FlameGame<World>?
Fetches the root FlameGame ancestor to the component.
firstChild<T extends Component>() → T?
Returns the first child that matches the given type T, or null if there are no such children.
handleLifecycleEventAdd(Component parent) → LifecycleEventStatus
handleLifecycleEventMove(Component newParent) → LifecycleEventStatus
handleLifecycleEventRemove(Component parent) → LifecycleEventStatus
handleResize(Vector2 size) → void
handleScaleEnd(ScaleEndDetails details) → void
handleScaleStart(ScaleStartDetails details) → void
handleScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateDetails details) → void
keepMousePosition(PointerScrollInfo? info, Vector2 opg, double zoomDelta, Viewfinder vf, double oz, [Vector2? wp]) → void
lastChild<T extends Component>() → T?
Returns the last child that matches the given type T, or null if there are no such children.
lifecycleStateChange(AppLifecycleState state) → void
This is the lifecycle state change hook; every time the game is resumed, paused or suspended, this is called.
load() FutureOr<void>
loadSprite(String path, {Vector2? srcSize, Vector2? srcPosition}) Future<Sprite>
Utility method to load and cache the image for a sprite based on its options.
loadSpriteAnimation(String path, SpriteAnimationData data) Future<SpriteAnimation>
Utility method to load and cache the image for a sprite animation based on its options.
mergeGraph(dynamic graphData) → void
Merge the graph data.
mount() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAttach() → void
Called when the game has been attached. This can be overridden to add logic that requires the game to already be attached to the widget tree.
onChildrenChanged(Component child, ChildrenChangeType type) → void
This method will be invoked from lifecycle if child has been added to or removed from its parent children list.
onDetach() → void
Called after the game has left the widget tree. This can be overridden to add logic that requires the game not be on the flutter widget tree anymore.
onDispose() → void
Called when the GameWidget is disposed by Flutter.
onGameResize(Vector2 size) → void
This passes the new size along to every component in the tree via their Component.onGameResize method, enabling each one to make their decision of how to handle the resize event.
onHoverEnter() → void
onHoverExit() → void
onLoad() Future<void>
Late initialization method for Component.
onMount() → void
Called when the component is added to its parent.
onPanUpdate(Vector2 globalDelta) → void
Global delta can be got from ScaleDetector.
onParentResize(Vector2 maxSize) → void
Called whenever the parent of this component changes size; and also once before onMount.
onPointerMove(PointerMoveEvent event) → void
onPointerMoveStop(PointerMoveEvent event) → void
onRemove() → void
Called when the game is about to be removed from the Flutter widget tree, but before it is actually removed. See the docs for an example on how to do cleanups to avoid memory leaks.
onScaleEnd(ScaleEndInfo info) → void
onScaleStart(ScaleStartInfo info) → void
onScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateInfo info) → void
onScroll(PointerScrollInfo info) → void
onZoom({required Vector2 zoomCenter, double zoomDelta = 0}) → void
pauseEngine() → void
Pauses the engine game loop execution.
processLifecycleEvents() → void
processRebalanceEvents() → void
propagateToApplicableNotifiers(Component component, void callback(ComponentsNotifier<Component>)) → void
propagateToChildren<T extends Component>(bool handler(T), {bool includeSelf = false}) bool
This method first calls the passed handler on the leaves in the tree, the children without any children of their own. Then it continues through all other children. The propagation continues until the handler returns false, which means "do not continue", or when the handler has been called with all children.
ready() Future<void>
Ensure that all pending tree operations finish.
refreshData(dynamic data) → void
refreshWidget({bool isInternalRefresh = true}) → void
When a Game is attached to a GameWidget, this method will force that widget to be rebuilt. This can be used when updating any property which is implemented within the Flutter tree.
registerKey(ComponentKey key, Component component) → void
remove(Component component) → void
Removes a component from the component tree.
removeAll(Iterable<Component> components) → void
Removes all the children in the list and calls onRemove for all of them and their children.
removeFromParent() → void
Remove the component from its parent in the next tick.
removeGameStateListener(VoidCallback callback) → void
removeWhere(bool test(Component component)) → void
Removes all the children for which the test function returns true.
render(Canvas canvas) → void
This implementation of render renders each component, making sure the canvas is reset for each one.
renderDebugMode(Canvas canvas) → void
renderTree(Canvas canvas) → void
resumeEngine() → void
Resumes the engine game loop execution.
setDefaultVertexColor() → dynamic
setLoaded() → void
Used by the FlameGame to set the loaded state of the component, since the game isn't going through the whole normal component life cycle.
setMounted() → void
Used by the FlameGame to set the mounted state of the component, since the game isn't going through the whole normal component life cycle.
setRemoved() → void
Used by the FlameGame to set the removed state of the component, since the game isn't going through the whole normal component life cycle.
stepEngine({double stepTime = 1 / 60}) → void
Steps the engine game loop by one frame. Works only if the engine is in paused state. By default step time is assumed to be 1/60th of a second.
toBeLoaded() FutureOr<void>
To be used for tests that needs to evaluate the game after it has been loaded by the game widget.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unregisterKey(ComponentKey key) → void
update(double dt) → void
This method is called periodically by the game engine to request that your component updates itself.
updateTree(double dt) → void
This method traverses the component tree and calls update on all its children according to their priority order, relative to the priority of the direct siblings, not the children or the ancestors.
updateViewport(dynamic x, dynamic y) → dynamic


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


zoomPerScrollUnit → const double