Vertex<I> class

Data model of vertex component. 节点组件的数据模型




colors List<Color>
getter/setter pair
cpn VertexComponent?
getter/setter pair
data ↔ dynamic
The origin data of this vertex.
getter/setter pair
deep int
getter/setter pair
degree int
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
Uniqueness based on primary key
no setteroverride
hover bool
Is this vertex under focus now
getter/setter pair
id ↔ I
The primary key of vertex. 节点主键
getter/setter pair
isCenter bool
no setter
isHovered bool
Is this vertex under focus now
no setter
neighborEdges List<Edge>
get the neighbor vertexes of this vertex. 获取当前节点的所有关系。
no setter
neighbors List<Vertex<I>>
get the neighbor vertexes of this vertex. 获取当前节点的邻居节点。
no setter
nextEdges Set<Edge>
Cache all the next edges of this vertex. 对当前节点的后向关系记录进行缓存。
getter/setter pair
nextVertexes Set<Vertex<I>>
Cache all the next vertexes of this vertex. 对当前节点的所有下游节点进行缓存。
getter/setter pair
picked bool
Whether this vertex being picked.
getter/setter pair
position Vector2
Default position of current vertex in graph. 节点在图中的默认位置。
getter/setter pair
prevEdges Set<Edge>
Cache all the prev edges of this vertex. 对当前节点的前向关系记录进行缓存。
getter/setter pair
prevVertex Vertex<I>?
To get the center datum point , etc.
getter/setter pair
prevVertexes Set<Vertex<I>>
Cache all the previous vertexes of this vertex. 对当前节点的所有上游节点进行缓存。
getter/setter pair
radius double
The radius of this vertex, that which assigment by StyleConfiguration. 节点的默认半径,用于被样式选项设置器进行修改以更新图形
getter/setter pair
radiusZoom double
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
size Size?
The size of this vertex
getter/setter pair
tag String
The first tag of vertex. 节点首个标签
getter/setter pair
tags List<String>?
All the tags of vertex. 节点所有标签
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.