FlutterDriverTestConfiguration class



FlutterDriverTestConfiguration({String? featurePath = 'features/*.*.feature', Iterable<Pattern>? features, String featureDefaultLanguage = 'en', ExecutionOrder order = ExecutionOrder.random, Duration defaultTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 10), FeatureFileMatcher featureFileMatcher = const IoFeatureFileAccessor(), FeatureFileReader featureFileReader = const IoFeatureFileAccessor(), bool stopAfterTestFailed = false, String? tagExpression, Iterable<Hook>? hooks, Iterable<Reporter> reporters = const [], CreateWorld? createWorld, bool waitImplicitlyAfterAction = true, Iterable<CustomParameter>? customStepParameterDefinitions, Iterable<StepDefinitionGeneric<World>>? stepDefinitions, String targetAppPath = 'test_driver/app.dart', String? targetAppWorkingDirectory, String? buildFlavour, String? targetDeviceId, String? runningAppProtocolEndpointUri, Future<void> onBeforeFlutterDriverConnect()?, Future<void> onAfterFlutterDriverConnect(FlutterDriver driver)?, bool restartAppBetweenScenarios = true, bool logFlutterProcessOutput = false, bool keepAppRunningAfterTests = false, bool verboseFlutterProcessLogs = false, bool build = true, BuildMode buildMode = BuildMode.debug, Duration flutterBuildTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 90), Duration flutterDriverReconnectionDelay = const Duration(seconds: 2), int flutterDriverMaxConnectionAttempts = 3})


build bool
If the application should be built prior to running the tests Defaults to true
buildFlavour String?
The build flavour to run the tests against (optional) Defaults to null
buildMode BuildMode
The default build mode used for running tests is --debug. We are exposing the option to run the tests also in --profile mode
createWorld → CreateWorld?
An optional function to create a world object for each scenario.
customStepParameterDefinitions Iterable<CustomParameter>?
Any user defined step parameters
defaultTimeout Duration
The default step timeout - this can be override when definition a step definition
featureDefaultLanguage String
The default feature language
featureFileMatcher → FeatureFileMatcher
featureFileReader → FeatureFileReader
features Iterable<Pattern>
The path(s) to all the features. All three Patterns are supported: RegExp, String, Glob.
flutterBuildTimeout Duration
Duration to wait for Flutter to build and start the app on the target device Slower machine may take longer to build and run a large app Defaults to 90 seconds
flutterDriverMaxConnectionAttempts int
The maximum times the flutter driver can try and connect to the running app Defaults to 3
flutterDriverReconnectionDelay Duration
Duration to wait before reconnecting the Flutter driver to the app. On slower machines the app might not be in a state where the driver can successfully connect immediately Defaults to 2 seconds
getAttachmentManager → CreateAttachmentManager
used to get a new instance of an attachment manager class that is passed to the World context
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hooks Iterable<Hook>?
Hooks that are run at certain points in the execution cycle
keepAppRunningAfterTests bool
Will keep the Flutter application running when done testing Defaults to false
logFlutterProcessOutput bool
Logs Flutter process output to stdout The Flutter process is use to start and driver the app under test. The output may contain build and run information Defaults to false
onAfterFlutterDriverConnect → (Future<void> Function(FlutterDriver driver)?)
Called after the successful connection of Flutter driver to the running application. Depending on your configuration this method will be called on each new connection usually before each scenario is run.
onBeforeFlutterDriverConnect → (Future<void> Function()?)
Called before any attempt to connect Flutter driver to the running application, Depending on your configuration this method will be called before each scenario is run.
order → ExecutionOrder
The execution order of features - this default to random to avoid any inter-test dependencies
reporters Iterable<Reporter>
a list of reporters to use. Built-in reporters:
restartAppBetweenScenarios bool
restarts the application under test between each scenario. Defaults to true to avoid the application being in an invalid state before each test
retryDelay Duration
When a step fails, it will wait this long before retrying. For instance, you know that when it fails, it can take a bit longer (async).
runningAppProtocolEndpointUri String?
An observatory url that the test runner can connect to instead of creating a new running instance of the target application Url takes the form of and usually printed to stdout in the form Connecting to service protocol: You will have to add the --verbose flag to the command to start your flutter app to see this output and ensure enableFlutterDriverExtension() is called by the running app
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
semanticsEnabled bool
Enable semantics in a test by creating a SemanticsHandle. See: testWidgets and WidgetController.ensureSemantics.
stepDefinitions Iterable<StepDefinitionGeneric<World>>?
The user defined step definitions that are matched with written steps in the features
stepMaxRetries int
When a step fails, it will retry this number of times. When it still fails after these tries the step will fail.
stopAfterTestFailed bool
the program will stop after any test failed
tagExpression String?
a filter to limit the features that are run based on tags see https://docs.cucumber.io/cucumber/tag-expressions/ for expression syntax
targetAppPath String
The target app to run the tests against Defaults to "test_driver/app.dart"
targetAppWorkingDirectory String?
Option to define the working directory for the process that runs the app under test (optional) Handy if your app is separated from your tests as flutter needs to be able to find a pubspec file
targetDeviceId String?
The target device id to run the tests against when multiple devices detected Defaults to null
verboseFlutterProcessLogs bool
Sets the --verbose flag on the flutter process Defaults to false
waitImplicitlyAfterAction bool
Set to True to wait implicit for pumpAndSettle() / waitForAppToSettle() functions after performing actions Defaults to false


createFlutterDriver([String? dartVmServiceUrl]) Future<FlutterDriver>
createFlutterWorld(TestConfiguration config, FlutterWorld? world) Future<FlutterWorld>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
prepare() → TestConfiguration
used to allow for custom configuration to ensure framework specific configuration is in place
setObservatoryDebuggerUri(String uri) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

standard(Iterable<StepDefinitionGeneric<World>> steps, {String featurePath = 'features/*.*.feature', String targetAppPath = 'test_driver/app.dart', String? targetAppWorkingDirectory, bool restartAppBetweenScenarios = true}) FlutterDriverTestConfiguration
Provide a configuration object with default settings such as the reports and feature file location