flutter_fractal library


Inspired by Chakra Pixel Led light
Inspired by Rainbow Slinky toy
TurtleGraphicsPainter is a CustomPainter. It helps in drawing some fractal art to create some romantic UI for your awesome applications. It's based on Turtle Graphic, Wikipedia.


RomanticColor on Color
RomanticColor is an extension of Color. It contains some utility functions for color.
TurtleGraphicsCollection on TurtleGraphicsPainter
The collection of some famous arts created by Turtle Graphic. This is an extension of TurtleGraphicsPainter. You can use this template to make your own art.


kDegToRad → const double
convert from degree to radian
kRadToDeg → const double
convert from degree to radian


abs(double a) double
make number a be positive
atan2(double x, double y) double
calculate atan from x & y
factorial(double x) double
calculate factorial of x
toDegree(double radian) double
convert radian to degree
toRad(double degree) double
convert degree to radian