flutter_font_picker library

A Flutter widget that lets the user select and apply a Google Font from a custom dropdown.

Provides a FontPicker widget that can be used in a route or dialog as a UI for choosing a font from Google Fonts.

Simple Example

Inside your build method, use a button that when pressed, will navigate to the font picker screen:

PickerFont? _selectedFont;

  child: Text('Pick a font'),
  onPressed: () {
          builder: (context) => FontPicker(
              onFontChanged: (PickerFont font) {
                _selectedFont = font;
                print("${font.fontFamily} with font weight ${font.fontWeight} and font style ${font.fontStyle}.}");

The onFontChanged function retrieves the font that the user selects with an object containing details like the font's name, weight, style, etc.

You can then use its toTextStyle() method to style any text with the selected font:

Text('This will be styled with the font: $_selectedFont.fontFamily',
      style: selectedFont.toTextStyle()),


Creates a widget that lets the user select a Google font from a provided list.
A wrapper class that contains details about each font in the FontPicker.