Flutter Flurry SDK (flutter_flurry_sdk)
A Flutter plugin for Flurry SDK
- Flurry Push for messaging and Flurry Config for remote configuration are supported by our plugin!
Table of contents
Install Flutter Flurry SDK plugin by running this command in the terminal from the directory containing
file. And run an implicitflutter pub get
.$ flutter pub add flutter_flurry_sdk
Flutter Flurry SDK has been added as a dependency. Now, import the
class in the files calling Flurry SDK APIs.import 'package:flutter_flurry_sdk/flurry.dart';
By default, Flurry adds
permissions to optimize analytics data. Please see Manual Flurry Android SDK Integration for the other recommended options. -
To improve analytics identities, please see Manual Flurry Android SDK Integration for adding Google Play Services library in your app by including the following in your
file:dependencies { // Recommended to add Google Play Services implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads-identifier:17.1.0' }
Flurry Push
In order to use Flurry Push for Android, please follow the additional steps below:-
Follow Add Firebase to your Flutter app. Complete "Add a Firebase configuration file" step for adding Firebase to your Android project. There should be a file
in your project'sandroid/app
folder now. You do not need to "Add FlutterFire plugins". Yourbuild.gradle
will look like:// android/build.gradle (project-level) buildscript { dependencies { classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.10' } }
// android/app/build.gradle (app-level) apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services' dependencies { implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:21.1.0' }
If you want to customize Flurry Push notification, please implement a custom application class if it does not exist by extending FlutterApplication, and apply the Flurry setup in the
method. Remember to register the class in the AndroidManifest by addingandroid:name=".MyFlutterApplication"
attributes. With the same APIs as the Dart version.// AndroidManifest.xml <application android:name=".MyFlutterApplication"
import com.flurry.android.flutter.FlurryFlutterPlugin; public class MyFlutterApplication extends FlutterApplication { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); new FlurryFlutterPlugin.Builder() .withCrashReporting(true) .withLogEnabled(true) .withLogLevel(Log.VERBOSE) .withMessaging(true, options_or_listener) // optional user's native `FlurryMarketingOptions` or `FlurryMessagingListener`. .build(this, FLURRY_ANDROID_API_KEY);
Add notification permission in the Android manifest file. (required on the Android 13 and above devices.)
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />
Set up "Android Authorization" in Flurry Push Authorization.
Define a global platform for your project in
.platform :ios, '10.0'
Flurry Push
To set up Flurry Push, please take the following steps.-
Open your
file which is under theios
folder. Go to "Capabilities" tab and enable Push Notifications. -
Enable Background Modes (Background Fetch and Remote Notifications turned on).
Now your
should contain the following items. For more information, please see Push Setup. -
Set up "iOS Authorization" in Flurry Push Authorization.
- Please note that Flurry Messaging and Flurry Config are currently not available on tvOS. For the detailed list of unavailable APIs, please see API reference below.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter_flurry_sdk/flurry.dart'; // Init Flurry once as early as possible recommended in main.dart. // For each platform (Android, iOS) where the app runs you need to acquire a unique Flurry API Key. // i.e., you need two API keys if you are going to release the app on both Android and iOS platforms. // If you are building for TV platforms, you will need two API keys for Android TV and tvOS. Flurry.builder .withCrashReporting(true) .withLogEnabled(true) .withLogLevel(LogLevel.debug) .withReportLocation(true) .build( androidAPIKey: FLURRY_ANDROID_API_KEY, iosAPIKey: FLURRY_IOS_API_KEY);
import 'package:flutter_flurry_sdk/flurry.dart'; // Example to get Flurry versions. int agentVersion = await Flurry.getAgentVersion(); print('Agent Version: $agentVersion'); String? releaseVersion = await Flurry.getReleaseVersion(); print('Release Version: $releaseVersion'); String? sessionId = await Flurry.getSessionId(); print('Session Id: $sessionId'); // Set Flurry preferences. Flurry.setLogEnabled(true); Flurry.setLogLevel(LogLevel.verbose); // Set user preferences. Flurry.setAge(36); Flurry.setGender(Gender.female); Flurry.setReportLocation(true); // Set user properties. var list = <String>[]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { list.add('prop$i'); } Flurry.userProperties.setValue(UserProperties.propertyRegisteredUser, 'True'); Flurry.userProperties.addValues('Flutter Properties', list); // Log Flurry events. Flurry.logEvent('Flutter Event'); var map = <String, String>{}; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { map.putIfAbsent('key$i', () => '$i'); } Flurry.logTimedEventWithParameters('Flutter Timed Event', map, true); ... Flurry.endTimedEvent('Flutter Timed Event'); // Log Flurry standard events. var paramBuilder = Param() .putDoubleParam(EventParam.totalAmount, 34.99) .putBooleanParam(EventParam.success, true) .putStringParam(EventParam.itemName, 'book 1') .putString('note', 'This is an awesome book to purchase !!!'); Flurry.logStandardEvent(FlurryEvent.purchased, paramBuilder); ...
Flurry.config.registerListener(MyConfigListener()); Flurry.config.fetchConfig(); class MyConfigListener with ConfigListener { @override void onFetchSuccess() { // Data fetched, activate it. Flurry.config.activateConfig(); } @override void onFetchNoChange() { // Fetch finished, but data unchanged. Flurry.config.getConfigString('welcome_message', 'Welcome').then((welcomeMessage) { print('Received unchanged data: $welcomeMessage'); }); } @override void onFetchError(bool isRetrying) { // Fetch failed. print('Fetch error! Retrying: $isRetrying'); } @override void onActivateComplete(bool isCache) { // Received cached data, or newly activated data. Flurry.config.getConfigString('welcome_message', 'Welcome').then((welcomeMessage) { print((isCache ? 'Received cached data: $welcomeMessage' : 'Received newly activated data: $welcomeMessage')); }); } }
// To customize Flurry Push for Android, please duplicate Builder setup in your FlutterApplication.java. Flurry.builder .withMessaging(true) ... // Optionally add a listener to receive messaging events, and handle the notification. Flurry.builder .withMessaging(true, MyMessagingListener()) ... class MyMessagingListener with MessagingListener { @override bool onNotificationClicked(Message message) { printMessage('onNotificationClicked', message); return false; } @override bool onNotificationReceived(Message message) { printMessage('onNotificationReceived', message); return false; } @override void onNotificationCancelled(Message message) { printMessage('onNotificationCancelled', message); } @override void onTokenRefresh(String token) { print('Flurry Messaging Type: onTokenRefresh' '\n Token: $token'); } static printMessage(String type, Message message) { print('Flurry Messaging Type: $type' '\n Title: ${message.title}' '\n Body: ${message.body}' '\n ClickAction: ${message.clickAction}' '\n Data: ${message.appData}'); } }
Flurry.publisherSegmentation.registerListener(MyPublisherSegmentationListener()); Flurry.publisherSegmentation.fetch(); class MyPublisherSegmentationListener with PublisherSegmentationListener { @override void onFetched(Map<String, String> data) { print('Publisher Segmentation data fetched: $data'); } }
API Reference
See Android-(FlurryAgent) / iOS-(Flurry) for the Flurry references.
Methods in Flurry.builder to initialize Flurry Agent
Builder withAppVersion(String versionName); // iOS only. For Android, please use Flurry.setVersionName() instead. Builder withContinueSessionMillis(int sessionMillis); Builder withCrashReporting(bool crashReporting); Builder.withGppConsent(String gppString, Set<int> gppSectionIds); Builder withDataSaleOptOut(bool isOptOut); Builder withIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(bool includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics); Builder withLogEnabled(bool enableLog); Builder withLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel); // LogLevel = { verbose, debug, info, warn, error, assertion } Builder withReportLocation(bool reportLocation); // Android only Builder withMessaging(bool enableMessaging, MessagingListener listener); Builder withPerformanceMetrics(int performanceMetrics); // Performance = { none, coldStart, screenTime, all } Builder withSslPinningEnabled(bool sslPinningEnabled); // Android only void build(String androidAPIKey, String iosAPIKey);
Methods to set Flurry preferences
void Flurry.setContinueSessionMillis(int sessionMillis); void Flurry.setCrashReporting(bool crashReporting); void Flurry.setIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(bool includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics); void Flurry.setLogEnabled(bool enableLog); void Flurry.setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel); // LogLevel = { verbose, debug, info, warn, error, assertion } void Flurry.setSslPinningEnabled(bool sslPinningEnabled); // Android only
Methods to set user preferences
void Flurry.setAge(int age); void Flurry.setGender(Gender gender); void Flurry.setReportLocation(bool reportLocation); void Flurry.setSessionOrigin(String originName, String deepLink); void Flurry.setUserId(String userId); void Flurry.setVersionName(String versionName); void Flurry.addOrigin(String originName, String originVersion); void Flurry.addOriginWithParameters(String originName, String originVersion, Map<String, String> parameters); void Flurry.addSessionProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue);
Methods to set privacy preferences
void Flurry.setGppConsent(String gppString, Set<int> gppSectionIds); void Flurry.setDataSaleOptOut(bool isOptOut); void Flurry.deleteData(); void Flurry.openPrivacyDashboard();
Methods in Flurry.userProperties to set user properties
// Standard User Properties: UserProperties = { // propertyCurrencyPreference, propertyPurchaser, propertyRegisteredUser, propertySubscriber } void setValue (String propertyName, String propertyValue); void setValues (String propertyName, List<String> propertyValues); void addValue (String propertyName, String propertyValue); void addValues (String propertyName, List<String> propertyValues); void remove (String propertyName); void removeValue (String propertyName, String propertyValue); void removeValues(String propertyName, List<String> propertyValues); void flag (String propertyName);
Methods to get Flurry versions and publisher segmentation
Future<int> Flurry.getAgentVersion(); Future<String?> Flurry.getReleaseVersion(); Future<String?> Flurry.getSessionId(); Future<String> Flurry.getPlatformVersion(); mixin PublisherSegmentationListener { void onFetched(Map<String, String> data); } // in Flurry.publisherSegmentation void registerListener (PublisherSegmentationListener listener); void unregisterListener(PublisherSegmentationListener listener); Future<bool> isFetchFinished(); void fetch(); Future<Map<String, String>?> getPublisherData();
Methods to log Flurry events
enum EventRecordStatus { eventFailed, eventRecorded, eventUniqueCountExceeded, eventParamsCountExceeded, eventLoggingDelayed, eventAnalyticsDisabled, eventParametersMismatched } Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logEvent(String eventId); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logEventWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEvent(String eventId, bool timed); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEventWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters, bool timed); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEventId(String eventId, String timedId); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logTimedEventIdWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters, String timedId); void Flurry.endTimedEvent(String eventId); void Flurry.endTimedEventWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters); void Flurry.endTimedEventId(String eventId, String timedId); void Flurry.endTimedEventIdWithParameters(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters, String timedId); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logStandardEvent(StandardEventId id, Param param); void Flurry.onError(String errorId, String message, String errorClass); void Flurry.onErrorWithParameters(String errorId, String message, String errorClass, Map<String, String> parameters); void Flurry.logBreadcrumb(String crashBreadcrumb); Future<EventRecordStatus> Flurry.logPayment(String productName, String productId, int quantity, double price, String currency, String transactionId, Map<String, String> parameters);
Methods to enable IAP reporting(iOS)
void Flurry.setIAPReportingEnabled(bool enableIAP);
Methods to set the iOS conversion value sent to Apple through SKAdNetwork (iOS)
void Flurry.updateConversionValue(int conversionValue); void Flurry.updateConversionValueWithEvent(SKAdNetworkEvent flurryEvent);
Methods in Flurry.performance to log Flurry Performance Metrics
void startResourceLogger(); void logResourceLogger(); void reportFullyDrawn();
Methods in Flurry.config for Flurry Config
mixin ConfigListener{ void onFetchSuccess(); void onFetchNoChange(); void onFetchError(bool isRetrying); void onActivateComplete(bool isCache); } void registerListener (ConfigListener listener); void unregisterListener(ConfigListener listener); void fetchConfig(); void activateConfig(); Future<String> getConfigString(String key, String defaultValue);
Methods for Messaging Listener
mixin MessagingListener{ bool onNotificationReceived(Message message); bool onNotificationClicked(Message message); void onNotificationCancelled(Message message); // Android only void onTokenRefresh(String token); // Android only } class Message { String title; String body; String clickAction; Map<String, String> appData; }
Methods for Standard Event - Param (builder setters and getters)
Map<dynamic, String> getParameters(); Param clear(); Param removeParam(ParamBase param); Param remove(String key); Param putAll(Param param); Param putStringParam(StringParam key, String value); Param putString(String key, String value); Param putIntegerParam(IntegerParam key, int value); Param putInteger(String key, int value); Param putDoubleParam(DoubleParam key, double value); Param putDouble(String key, double value); Param putBooleanParam(BooleanParam key, bool value); Param putBoolen(String key, bool value);
FlurryEvent enum for Standard Event Id (Event Name)
enum FlurryEvent{ /// Log this event when a user clicks on an Ad. /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adClick, /// Log this event when a user views an Ad impression. /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adImpression, /// Log this event when a user is granted a reward for viewing a rewarded Ad. /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adRewarded, /// Log this event when a user skips an Ad /// Suggested event params: adType /// Mandatory event params: none adSkipped, /// Log this event when a user spends credit in the app /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, totalAmount, isCurrencySoft, creditType, creditId, creditName, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount creditsSpent, /// Log this event when a user purchases credit in the app /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, totalAmount, isCurrencySoft, creditType, creditId, creditName, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount creditsPurchased, /// Log this event when a user earns credit in the app /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, totalAmount, isCurrencySoft, creditType, creditId, creditName, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount creditsEarned, /// Log this event when a user unlocks an achievement in the app /// Suggested event params: achievementId /// Mandatory event params: none achievementUnlocked, /// Log this event when an App user completes a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelCompleted, /// Log this event when an App user fails a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelFailed, /// Log this event when an App user levels up /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelUp, /// Log this event when an App user starts a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelStarted, /// Log this event when an App user skips a level /// Suggested event params: levelNumber, levelName /// Mandatory event params: levelNumber levelSkip, /// Log this event when an App user posts his score /// Suggested event params: score, levelNumber /// Mandatory event params: score scorePosted, /// Log this event when a user rates a content in the App /// Suggested event params: contentId, contentType, contentName, rating /// Mandatory event params: contentId, rating contentRated, /// Log this event when a specific content is viewed by a user /// Suggested event params: contentId, contentType, contentName /// Mandatory event params: contentId contentViewed, /// Log this event when a user saves the content in the App /// Suggested event params: contentId, contentType, contentName /// Mandatory event params: contentId contentSaved, /// Log this event when a user customizes the App/product /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none productCustomized, /// Log this event when the App is activated /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none appActivated, /// Log this event when a user submits an application through the App /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none applicationSubmitted, /// Log this event when an item is added to the cart /// Suggested event params: itemCount, price, itemId, itemName, itemType /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, price addItemToCart, /// Log this event when an item is added to the wish list /// Suggested event params: itemCount, price, itemId, itemName, itemType /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, price addItemToWishList, /// Log this event when checkout is completed or transaction is successfully completed /// Suggested event params: itemCount, totalAmount, currencyType, transactionId /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, totalAmount completedCheckout, /// Log this event when payment information is added during a checkout process /// Suggested event params: success, paymentType /// Mandatory event params: none paymentInfoAdded, /// Log this event when an item is viewed /// Suggested event params: itemId, itemName, itemType, price /// Mandatory event params: itemId itemViewed, /// Log this event when a list of items is viewed /// Suggested event params: itemListType /// Mandatory event params: none itemListViewed, /// Log this event when a user does a purchase in the App /// Suggested event params: itemCount, totalAmount, itemId, success, itemName, itemType, currencyType, transactionId /// Mandatory event params: totalAmount purchased, /// Log this event when a purchase is refunded /// Suggested event params: price, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: price purchaseRefunded, /// Log this event when a user removes an item from the cart /// Suggested event params: itemId, price, itemName, itemType /// Mandatory event params: itemId removeItemFromCart, /// Log this event when a user starts checkout /// Suggested event params: itemCount, totalAmount /// Mandatory event params: itemCount, totalAmount checkoutInitiated, /// Log this event when a user donates fund to your App or through the App /// Suggested event params: price, currencyType /// Mandatory event params: price fundsDonated, /// Log this event when user schedules an appointment using the App /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none userScheduled, /// Log this event when an offer is presented to the user /// Suggested event params: itemId, itemName, itemCategory, price /// Mandatory event params: itemId, price offerPresented, /// Log this event at the start of a paid subscription for a service or product /// Suggested event params: price, isAnnualSubscription, trialDays, predictedLTV, currencyType, subscriptionCountry /// Mandatory event params: price, isAnnualSubscription subscriptionStarted, /// Log this event when a user unsubscribes from a paid subscription /// for a service or product /// Suggested event params: isAnnualSubscription, currencyType, subscriptionCountry /// Mandatory event params: isAnnualSubscription subscriptionEnded, /// Log this event when user joins a group. /// Suggested event params: groupName /// Mandatory event params: none groupJoined, /// Log this event when user leaves a group /// Suggested event params: groupName /// Mandatory event params: none groupLeft, /// Log this event when a user starts a tutorial /// Suggested event params: tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: none tutorialStarted, /// Log this event when a user completes a tutorial /// Suggested event params: tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: none tutorialCompleted, /// Log this event when a specific tutorial step is completed /// Suggested event params: stepNumber, tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: stepNumber tutorialStepCompleted, /// Log this event when user skips the tutorial /// Suggested event params: stepNumber, tutorialName /// Mandatory event params: stepNumber tutorialSkipped, /// Log this event when a user login on the App /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none login, /// Log this event when a user logout of the App /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none logout, /// Log the event when a user registers (signup). Helps capture the method /// used to sign-up (sign up with google / apple or email address) /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none userRegistered, /// Log this event when user views search results /// Suggested event params: query, searchType (e.g. voice, text) /// Mandatory event params: none searchResultViewed, /// Log this event when a user searches for a keyword using Search /// Suggested event params: query, searchType (e.g. voice, text) /// Mandatory event params: none keywordSearched, /// Log this event when a user searches for a location using Search /// Suggested event params: query /// Mandatory event params: none locationSearched, /// Log this event when a user invites another user /// Suggested event params: userId, method /// Mandatory event params: none invite, /// Log this event when a user shares content with another user in the App /// Suggested event params: socialContentId, socialContentName, method /// Mandatory event params: socialContentId share, /// Log this event when a user likes a social content. e.g. likeType captures /// what kind of like is logged ("celebrate", "insightful", etc) /// Suggested event params: socialContentId, socialContentName, likeType /// Mandatory event params: socialContentId like, /// Log this event when a user comments or replies on a social post /// Suggested event params: socialContentId, socialContentName /// Mandatory event params: socialContentId comment, /// Log this event when an image, audio or a video is captured /// Suggested event params: mediaId, mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: none mediaCaptured, /// Log this event when an audio or video starts /// Suggested event params: mediaId, mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: none mediaStarted, /// Log this event when an audio or video is stopped /// Suggested event params: mediaId, duration (in seconds), mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: duration (in seconds) mediaStopped, /// Log this event when an audio or video is paused /// Suggested event params: mediaId, duration (in seconds), mediaName, mediaType /// Mandatory event params: duration (in seconds) mediaPaused, /// Log this event when a privacy prompt is displayed /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none privacyPromptDisplayed, /// Log this event when a user opts in (on the privacy prompt) /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none privacyOptIn, /// Log this event when a user opts out (on the privacy prompt) /// Suggested event params: none /// Mandatory event params: none privacyOptOut }
EventParam types for Standard Event parameter (Param Type)
StringParam adType; StringParam levelName; IntegerParam levelNumber; StringParam contentName; StringParam contentType; StringParam contentId; StringParam creditName; StringParam creditType; StringParam creditId; StringParam currencyType; BooleanParam isCurrencySoft; StringParam itemName; StringParam itemType; StringParam itemId; IntegerParam itemCount; StringParam itemCategory; StringParam itemListType; DoubleParam price; DoubleParam totalAmount; StringParam achievementId; IntegerParam score; StringParam rating; StringParam transactionId; BooleanParam success; StringParam paymentType; BooleanParam isAnnualSubscription; StringParam subscriptionCountry; IntegerParam trialDays; StringParam predictedLTV; StringParam groupName; IntegerParam stepNumber; StringParam tutorialName; StringParam userId; StringParam method; StringParam query; StringParam searchType; StringParam socialContentName; StringParam socialContentId; StringParam likeType; StringParam mediaName; StringParam mediaType; StringParam mediaId; IntegerParam duration;
Copyright 2022 Yahoo Inc.
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.