Param class

Param is the interface to use to assemble your parameters for standard event.

In order for Flurry to log a standard event, you might want to put the standardized parameters as well as your own defined parameters together. There will be recommended standardized parameter keys and mandatory standardized parameter keys defined for each standard event name.

For instance, to log FlurryEvent.purchased event, SDK suggests to include itemCount, totalAmount, itemId, success, itemName, itemType, currencyType and transactionId parameters, in which totalAmount is also a mandatory parameter that is indicated by the SDK. Since each type of standardized param key can only be mapped to its corresponding data value - string, integer, double, boolean, when you assemble your Param object with the standardized parameters, you will need to use the APIs specified in Param interface to map them correctly.




builderAgent ↔ ParamBuilderAgent?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


clear() Param
Clears all.
getParameters() Map<dynamic, String>?
Gets the parameters map object for logging the standard events.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
putAll(Param param) Param
Sets a standard event Param. Returns Param object after this procedure after parsing param.
putBooleanParam(BooleanParam key, bool value) Param
Sets a Boolean value for a flurry param key.
putBoolen(String key, bool value) Param
Sets a Boolean value for a String key.
putDouble(String key, double value) Param
Sets a Double value for a String key.
putDoubleParam(DoubleParam key, double value) Param
Sets a Double value for a flurry param key.
putInteger(String key, int value) Param
Sets an Integer value for a string key.
putIntegerParam(IntegerParam key, int value) Param
Sets an Integer value for a flurry param key.
putString(String key, String value) Param
Sets a string value for a string key.
putStringParam(StringParam key, String value) Param
Sets a string value for a flurry param key.
remove(String key) Param
Removes the value for a String key.
removeParam(ParamBase key) Param
Removes the value for a Flurry defined param key.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.