FitStringExtension extension

Extension of the String class.



containsCapitalLetter() bool

Available on String, provided by the FitStringExtension extension

Returns true if the String contains at least one upper case caracter.
containsNumber() bool

Available on String, provided by the FitStringExtension extension

Returns true if the String containes at least one digit.
containsSpecialChar() bool

Available on String, provided by the FitStringExtension extension

Returns true if the String contains any of the following caracters: "!@#$%?&*()-+=^;,.'"/¨{}[]¤<>°`~".
countExactMatchesAndAppend(List<String> list) String

Available on String, provided by the FitStringExtension extension

Takes a String list, list, and counts the exact matches to this. Then, it appends the number of occurence found inside the list to this.
extractNumberFromString() double?

Available on String, provided by the FitStringExtension extension

Returns the number inside a String.
isStringNumeric() bool

Available on String, provided by the FitStringExtension extension

Returns true if a string is made up of only numbers.
parseBool() bool

Available on String, provided by the FitStringExtension extension

Converts a String to a bool. To return true, the trimmed lowercase string must be "true".