DurationUtils extension

Extension of the Duration class.



divideBy(Duration other) int

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Divides a Duration by another Duration.
format() List<int>

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Segments a duration by hours, minutes and seconds.
prettyPrint() String

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Prints a Duration with the format {h:mm}. Ex: 1:10, 1, 1:05.
toHMS() String

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Prints a Duration with the format {hh:mm:ss}.


operator +(Duration other) Duration

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Returns the sum of two Duration.
operator -(Duration other) Duration

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Returns the difference between two Duration.
operator /(int other) Duration

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Override the / operator to divide a Duration by an int.

Static Methods

fromString(String s) Duration

Available on Duration, provided by the DurationUtils extension

Creates a Duration from a string.