rooms method

Stream<List<Room>> rooms({
  1. bool orderByUpdatedAt = false,

Returns a stream of rooms from Firebase. Only rooms where current logged in user exist are returned. orderByUpdatedAt is used in case you want to have last modified rooms on top, there are a couple of things you will need to do though:

  1. Make sure updatedAt exists on all rooms
  2. Write a Cloud Function which will update updatedAt of the room when the room changes or new messages come in
  3. Create an Index (Firestore Database -> Indexes tab) where collection ID is rooms, field indexed are userIds (type Arrays) and updatedAt (type Descending), query scope is Collection.


Stream<List<types.Room>> rooms({bool orderByUpdatedAt = false}) {
  final fu = firebaseUser;

  if (fu == null) return const Stream.empty();

  final collection = orderByUpdatedAt
      ? getFirebaseFirestore()
          .where('userIds', arrayContains: fu.uid)
          .orderBy('updatedAt', descending: true)
      : getFirebaseFirestore()
          .where('userIds', arrayContains: fu.uid);

  return collection.snapshots().asyncMap(
        (query) => processRoomsQuery(