flutter_fcm library
- AndroidNotification
- Android specific properties of a RemoteNotification.
- AppleNotification
- Apple specific properties of a RemoteNotification.
- AppleNotificationSound
- Represents the sound property for AppleNotification
- Firebase
- The entry point for accessing Firebase.
- FirebaseApp
- Represents a single Firebase app instance.
- FirebaseMessaging
- The FirebaseMessaging entry point.
- FirebaseOptions
- The options used to configure a Firebase app.
- NotificationSettings
- Represents the devices notification settings.
- RemoteMessage
- A class representing a message sent from Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- RemoteNotification
- A class representing a notification which has been construted and sent to the device via FCM.
- WebNotification
- Web specific properties of a RemoteNotification.
- AndroidNotificationPriority
- An enum representing a notification priority on Android.
- AndroidNotificationVisibility
- An enum representing the visibility level of a notification on Android.
- AppleNotificationSetting
- An enum representing a notification setting for this app on the device.
- AppleShowPreviewSetting
- An enum representing the show previews notification setting for this app on the device.
- AuthorizationStatus
- Represents the current status of the platforms notification permissions.
- defaultFirebaseAppName → const String
- The default Firebase application name.
String originalHost) → String
= Future<
void> Function(RemoteMessage message) - Defines a handler for incoming remote message payloads.
Exceptions / Errors
- FirebaseException
- A generic class which provides exceptions in a Firebase-friendly format to users.