flutter_face_api library
Regula Face SDK
- ComparedFace
- Represents a reference information of the compared face.
- ComparedFacesPair
- Represents a result of the ComparedFace attempt to compare input images.
- ComparedFacesSplit
- Customization
- Params that relate to the camera view controller customization and etc.
- CustomizationColors
- CustomizationFonts
- CustomizationImages
- DetectFaceResult
- DetectFacesAttributeResult
- DetectFacesBackendException
- DetectFacesConfig
- Custom configuration for DetectFacesRequest.
- DetectFacesException
- DetectFacesRequest
- Detect Faces Request. Could be created by predefined scenarios (e.g: DetectFacesRequest.qualityICAO, DetectFacesRequest.cropAllFaces etc. ) or by using custom DetectFacesConfig.
- DetectFacesResponse
- EditGroupPersonsRequest
- FaceCaptureConfig
- FaceCaptureException
- FaceCaptureImage
- FaceCaptureResponse
- FaceSDK
- Entry point of the Regula Face SDK.
- FaceSDKVersion
- Font
- ImageQualityCharacteristic
- Image Quality parameter to include in DetectFacesConfig as DetectFacesConfig.customQuality.
- ImageQualityGroup
- Image Quality characteristic group
- ImageQualityRange
- Base range value for Image Quality parameters.
- ImageQualityResult
- Quality assessment result.
- ImageUpload
- An object that represents uploaded image with its settings.
- InitConfig
- A configuration file for FaceSDK initialization. Allows to initialize using license binary. Also controls initialization time properties such as licenseUpdate.
- InitException
- LicenseException
- LivenessBackendException
- LivenessConfig
- Configuration for the Liveness processing. The configuration provides convenient properties to change the behavior and the appearance of the Liveness UI module.
- LivenessException
- LivenessNotification
- LivenessResponse
- The response from the Liveness module.
- MatchFacesBackendException
- MatchFacesConfig
- MatchFacesDetection
- Represents detection results on an input image as a part of MatchFacesResponse.
- MatchFacesDetectionFace
- Represents face detection information as a part of MatchFacesResponse.
- MatchFacesException
- MatchFacesImage
- This class represents the input image and its attributes for MatchFacesRequest.
- MatchFacesRequest
- Compares two or more images with faces on them to find out the similarity of pairs. The request is used as a parameter to FaceSDK.matchFaces.
- MatchFacesResponse
- The response from the MatchFacesRequest.
- OutputImageCrop
- Crop settings for OutputImageParams.
- OutputImageParams
- Set of parameter for image processing.
T> - Person
- A Person Database object that represents Person.
- PersonDatabase
- Represents Regula Database layer and is the entry point for Person Database operations.
- PersonGroup
- Person Database object that represents Group of Person.
- PersonImage
- Point
- Point class represents a two number X, Y value.
- Rect
- SearchPerson
- A Person Database object that represents th result of Person search.
- SearchPersonDetection
- SearchPersonImage
- A Person Database object that represents Image result of Person Search.
- SearchPersonRequest
- Request object that configures Search settings.
- Size
- CameraPosition
- Physical position of camera's hardware on the system.
- DetectFacesAttribute
- DetectFacesBackendErrorCode
- DetectFacesErrorCode
- Error codes for the DetectFacesResponse errors.
- DetectFacesScenario
- FaceCaptureErrorCode
- FontStyle
- ImageQualityCharacteristicName
- Image Quality Characteristic Name.
- ImageQualityGroupName
- ImageQualityResultStatus
- The assessment status of Image Quality Characteristic
- ImageType
- The image type of FaceCaptureImage influences matching results and provides the information about the source of the image.
- InitErrorCode
- LicensingResultCode
- LivenessBackendErrorCode
- LivenessErrorCode
- LivenessProcessStatus
- Liveness process statuses.
- LivenessSkipStep
- LivenessStatus
- The status of the Liveness processing.
- LivenessType
- MatchFacesErrorCode
- OutputImageCropAspectRatio
- The AspectRatio according to which alignment is performed
- ProcessingMode
- RecordingProcess
- ScreenOrientation
- CameraSwitchCallback = void Function(int cameraId)
- CustomButtonTappedCompletion = void Function(int tag)
- Callback for receiving signal, when a custom button, configured in Customization.uiCustomizationLayer, is pressed.
- LivenessNotificationCompletion = void Function(LivenessNotification)
- VideoEncoderCompletion = void Function(String transactionId, bool success)