DocType enum

Available extensions


NotDefined → const DocType

An unknown document type.

const DocType(0)
Passport → const DocType


const DocType(11)
IdentityCard → const DocType

Identity Card.

const DocType(12)
DiplomaticPassport → const DocType

Diplomatic Passport.

const DocType(13)
ServicePassport → const DocType

Service Passport.

const DocType(14)
SeamanIdentityDocument → const DocType

Seaman's Identity Document.

const DocType(15)
IdentityCardForResidence → const DocType

Identity Card for Residence.

const DocType(16)
TravelDocument → const DocType

Travel Document.

const DocType(17)
Other → const DocType


const DocType(99)
VisaID2 → const DocType

Visa ID-2.

const DocType(29)
VisaID3 → const DocType

Visa ID-3.

const DocType(30)
NationalIdentityCard → const DocType

National Identity Card.

const DocType(20)
SocialIdentityCard → const DocType

Social Identity Card.

const DocType(21)
AliensIdentityCard → const DocType

Alien's Identity Card.

const DocType(22)
PrivilegedIdentityCard → const DocType

Privileged Identity Card.

const DocType(23)
ResidencePermitIdentityCard → const DocType

Residence Permit Identity Card.

const DocType(24)
OriginCard → const DocType

Origin Card.

const DocType(25)
EmergencyPassport → const DocType

Emergency Passport.

const DocType(26)
AliensPassport → const DocType

Alien's Passport.

const DocType(27)
AlternativeIdentityCard → const DocType

Alternative Identity Card.

const DocType(28)
AuthorizationCard → const DocType

Authorization Card.

const DocType(32)
BeginnerPermit → const DocType

Beginner Permit.

const DocType(33)
BorderCrossingCard → const DocType

Border Crossing Card.

const DocType(34)
ChauffeurLicense → const DocType

Chauffeur License.

const DocType(35)
ChauffeurLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Chauffeur License under 18.

const DocType(36)
ChauffeurLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Chauffeur License under 21.

const DocType(37)
CommercialDrivingLicense → const DocType

Commercial Driving License.

const DocType(38)
CommercialDrivingLicenseInstructionalPermit → const DocType

Commercial Driving License Instructional Permit.

const DocType(39)
CommercialDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Commercial Driving License under 18.

const DocType(40)
CommercialDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Commercial Driving License under 21.

const DocType(41)
CommercialInstructionPermit → const DocType

Commercial Indtuction Permit.

const DocType(42)
CommercialNewPermit → const DocType

Commercial New Permit.

const DocType(43)
ConcealedCarryLicense → const DocType

Concealed Carry License.

const DocType(44)
ConcealedFirearmPermit → const DocType

Concealed Firearm Permit.

const DocType(45)
ConditionalDrivingLicense → const DocType

Conditional Driving License.

const DocType(46)
DepartmentOfVeteransAffairsIdentityCard → const DocType

Department of Veterans Affairs Identity Card.

const DocType(47)
DiplomaticDrivingLicense → const DocType

Diplomatic Driving License.

const DocType(48)
DrivingLicense → const DocType

Driving License.

const DocType(49)
DrivingLicenseInstructionalPermit → const DocType

Driving License Instructional Permit.

const DocType(50)
DrivingLicenseInstructionalPermitUnder18 → const DocType

Driving License Instructional Permit under 18.

const DocType(51)
DrivingLicenseInstructionalPermitUnder21 → const DocType

Driving License Instructional Permit under 21.

const DocType(52)
DrivingLicenseLearnersPermit → const DocType

Driving License Learners Permit.

const DocType(53)
DrivingLicenseLearnersPermitUnder18 → const DocType

Driving License Learners Permit under 18.

const DocType(54)
DrivingLicenseLearnersPermitUnder21 → const DocType

Driving License Learners Permit under 21.

const DocType(55)
DrivingLicenseNovice → const DocType

Driving License Novice.

const DocType(56)
DrivingLicenseNoviceUnder18 → const DocType

Driving License Novice under 18.

const DocType(57)
DrivingLicenseNoviceUnder21 → const DocType

Driving License Novice under 21.

const DocType(58)
DrivingLicenseRegisteredOffender → const DocType

Driving License Registered Offender.

const DocType(59)
DrivingLicenseRestrictedUnder18 → const DocType

Driving License Redticted under 18.

const DocType(60)
DrivingLicenseRestrictedUnder21 → const DocType

Driving License Redticted under 21.

const DocType(61)
DrivingLicenseTemporaryVisitor → const DocType

Driving License Temporary Visitor.

const DocType(62)
DrivingLicenseTemporaryVisitorUnder18 → const DocType

Driving License Temporary Visitor under 18.

const DocType(63)
DrivingLicenseTemporaryVisitorUnder21 → const DocType

Driving License Temporary Visitor under 21.

const DocType(64)
DrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Driving License under 18.

const DocType(65)
DrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Driving License under 21.

const DocType(66)
EmploymentDrivingPermit → const DocType

Employment Driving Permit.

const DocType(67)
EnhancedChauffeurLicense → const DocType

Enhanced Chauffeur License.

const DocType(68)
EnhancedChauffeurLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Enhanced Chauffeur License under 18.

const DocType(69)
EnhancedChauffeurLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Enhanced Chauffeur License under 21.

const DocType(70)
EnhancedCommercialDrivingLicense → const DocType

Enhanced Commercial Driving License.

const DocType(71)
EnhancedDrivingLicense → const DocType

Enhanced Driving License.

const DocType(72)
EnhancedDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Enhanced Driving License under 18.

const DocType(73)
EnhancedDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Enhanced Driving License under 21.

const DocType(74)
EnhancedIdentityCard → const DocType

Enhanced Identity Card.

const DocType(75)
EnhancedIdentityCardUnder18 → const DocType

Enhanced Identity Card under 18.

const DocType(76)
EnhancedIdentityCardUnder21 → const DocType

Enhanced Identity Card under 21.

const DocType(77)
EnhancedOperatorsLicense → const DocType

Enhanced Operators License.

const DocType(78)
FirearmsPermit → const DocType

Firearms Permit.

const DocType(79)
FullProvisionalLicense → const DocType

Full Provisional License.

const DocType(80)
FullProvisionalLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Full Provisional License under 18.

const DocType(81)
FullProvisionalLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Full Provisional License under 21.

const DocType(82)
GenevaConventionsIdentityCard → const DocType

Geneva Conventions Identity Card.

const DocType(83)
GraduatedDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Graduated Driving License under 18.

const DocType(84)
GraduatedDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Graduated Driving License under 21.

const DocType(85)
GraduatedInstructionPermitUnder18 → const DocType

Graduated Indtuction Permit under 18.

const DocType(86)
GraduatedInstructionPermitUnder21 → const DocType

Graduated Indtuction Permit under 21.

const DocType(87)
GraduatedLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Graduated License under 18.

const DocType(88)
GraduatedLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Graduated License under 21.

const DocType(89)
HandgunCarryPermit → const DocType

Handgun Carry Permit.

const DocType(90)
IdentityAndPrivilegeCard → const DocType

Identity and Privilege Card.

const DocType(91)
IdentityCardMobilityImpaired → const DocType

Identity Card Mobility Impaired.

const DocType(92)
IdentityCardRegisteredOffender → const DocType

Identity Card Registered Offender.

const DocType(93)
IdentityCaremporaryVisitor → const DocType

Identity Card Temporary Visitor.

const DocType(94)
IdentityCaremporaryVisitorUnder18 → const DocType

Identity Card Temporary Visitor under 18.

const DocType(95)
IdentityCaremporaryVisitorUnder21 → const DocType

Identity Card Temporary Visitor under 21.

const DocType(96)
IdentityCardUnder18 → const DocType

Identity Card under 18.

const DocType(97)
IdentityCardUnder21 → const DocType

Identity Card under 21.

const DocType(98)
IgnitionInterlockPermit → const DocType

Ignition Interlock Permit.

const DocType(100)
ImmigrantVisa → const DocType

Immigrant Visa.

const DocType(101)
InstructionPermit → const DocType

Indtuction Permit.

const DocType(102)
InstructionPermitUnder18 → const DocType

Indtuction Permit under 18.

const DocType(103)
InstructionPermitUnder21 → const DocType

Indtuction Permit under 21.

const DocType(104)
InterimDrivingLicense → const DocType

Interim Driving License.

const DocType(105)
InterimIdentityCard → const DocType

Interim Identity Card.

const DocType(106)
IntermediateDrivingLicense → const DocType

Intermediate Driving License.

const DocType(107)
IntermediateDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Intermediate Driving License under 18.

const DocType(108)
IntermediateDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Intermediate Driving License under 21.

const DocType(109)
JuniorDrivingLicense → const DocType

Junior Driving License.

const DocType(110)
LearnerInstructionalPermit → const DocType

Learner Instructional Permit.

const DocType(111)
LearnerLicense → const DocType

Learner License.

const DocType(112)
LearnerLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Learner License under 18.

const DocType(113)
LearnerLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Learner License under 21.

const DocType(114)
LearnerPermit → const DocType

Learner Permit.

const DocType(115)
LearnerPermitUnder18 → const DocType

Learner Permit under 18.

const DocType(116)
LearnerPermitUnder21 → const DocType

Learner Permit under 21.

const DocType(117)
LimitedLicense → const DocType

Limited License.

const DocType(118)
LimitedPermit → const DocType

Limited Permit.

const DocType(119)
LimiteermDrivingLicense → const DocType

Limited Term Driving License.

const DocType(120)
LimiteermIdentityCard → const DocType

Limited Term Identity Card.

const DocType(121)
LiquorIdentityCard → const DocType

Liquor Identity Card.

const DocType(122)
NewPermit → const DocType

New Permit.

const DocType(123)
NewPermitUnder18 → const DocType

New Permit under 18.

const DocType(124)
NewPermitUnder21 → const DocType

New Permit under 21.

const DocType(125)
NonUsCitizenDrivingLicense → const DocType

Non-US Citizen Driving License.

const DocType(126)
OccupationalDrivingLicense → const DocType

Occupational Driving License.

const DocType(127)
OneidaTribeOfIndiansIdentityCard → const DocType

Oneida Tribe of Indians Identity Card.

const DocType(128)
OperatorLicense → const DocType

Operator License.

const DocType(129)
OperatorLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Operator License under 18.

const DocType(130)
OperatorLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Operator License under 21.

const DocType(131)
PermanentDrivingLicense → const DocType

Permanent Driving License.

const DocType(132)
PermitToReEnter → const DocType

Permit to Re-enter.

const DocType(133)
ProbationaryAutoLicense → const DocType

Probationary Auto License.

const DocType(134)
ProbationaryDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Probationary Auto License under 18.

const DocType(135)
ProbationaryDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Probationary Auto License under 21.

const DocType(136)
ProbationaryVehicleSalespersonLicense → const DocType

Probationary Vehicle Salesperson License.

const DocType(137)
ProvisionalDrivingLicense → const DocType

Provisional Driving License.

const DocType(138)
ProvisionalDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Provisional Driving License under 18.

const DocType(139)
ProvisionalDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Provisional Driving License under 21.

const DocType(140)
ProvisionalLicense → const DocType

Provisional License.

const DocType(141)
ProvisionalLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Provisional License under 18.

const DocType(142)
ProvisionalLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Provisional License under 21.

const DocType(143)
PublicPassengerChauffeurLicense → const DocType

Public Passenger Chauffeur License.

const DocType(144)
RacingAndGamingComissionCard → const DocType

Racing and Gaming Comission Card.

const DocType(145)
RefugeeTravelDocument → const DocType

Refugee Travel Document.

const DocType(146)
RenewalPermit → const DocType

Renewal Permit.

const DocType(147)
RestrictedCommercialDrivingLicense → const DocType

Restricted Commercial Driving License.

const DocType(148)
RestrictedDrivingLicense → const DocType

Restricted Driving License.

const DocType(149)
RestrictedPermit → const DocType

Restricted Permit.

const DocType(150)
SeasonalPermit → const DocType

Seasonal Permit.

const DocType(151)
SeasonalResidentIdentityCard → const DocType

Seasonal Resident Identity Card.

const DocType(152)
SeniorCitizenIdentityCard → const DocType

Senior Citizen Identity Card.

const DocType(153)
SexOffender → const DocType

Sex Offender.

const DocType(154)
SocialSecurityCard → const DocType

Social Security Card.

const DocType(155)
TemporaryDrivingLicense → const DocType

Temporary Driving License.

const DocType(156)
TemporaryDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Temporary Driving License under 18.

const DocType(157)
TemporaryDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Temporary Driving License under 21.

const DocType(158)
TemporaryIdentityCard → const DocType

Temporary Identity Card.

const DocType(159)
TemporaryInstructionPermitIdentityCard → const DocType

Temporary Instruction Permit Identity Card.

const DocType(160)
TemporaryInstructionPermitIdentityCardUnder18 → const DocType

Temporary Instruction Permit Identity Card under 18.

const DocType(161)
TemporaryInstructionPermitIdentityCardUnder21 → const DocType

Temporary Instruction Permit Identity Card under 21.

const DocType(162)
TemporaryVisitorDrivingLicense → const DocType

Temporary Visitor Driving License.

const DocType(163)
TemporaryVisitorDrivingLicenseUnder18 → const DocType

Temporary Visitor Driving License under 18.

const DocType(164)
TemporaryVisitorDrivingLicenseUnder21 → const DocType

Temporary Visitor Driving License under 21.

const DocType(165)
UniformedServicesIdentityCard → const DocType

Uniformed Services Identity Card.

const DocType(166)
VehicleSalespersonLicense → const DocType

Vehicle Salesperson License.

const DocType(167)
WorkerIdentificationCredential → const DocType

Worker Identification Credential.

const DocType(168)
CommercialDrivingLicenseNovice → const DocType

Commercial Driving License Novice.

const DocType(169)
CommercialDrivingLicenseNoviceUnder18 → const DocType

Commercial Driving License Novice under 18.

const DocType(170)
CommercialDrivingLicenseNoviceUnder21 → const DocType

Commercial Driving License Novice under 21.

const DocType(171)
PassportCard → const DocType

Passport Card.

const DocType(172)
PermanentResidentCard → const DocType

Permanent Resident Card.

const DocType(173)
PersonalIdentificationVerification → const DocType

Personal Identification Verification.

const DocType(174)
TemporaryOperatorLicense → const DocType

Temporary Operator License.

const DocType(175)
DrivingLicenseUnder19 → const DocType

Driving License under 19.

const DocType(176)
IdentityCardUnder19 → const DocType

Identity Card under 19.

const DocType(177)
Visa → const DocType


const DocType(178)
TemporaryPassport → const DocType

Temporary Passport.

const DocType(179)
VotingCard → const DocType

Voting Card.

const DocType(180)
HealthCard → const DocType

Health Card.

const DocType(181)
CertificateOfCitizenship → const DocType

Certificate of Citizenship.

const DocType(182)
AddressCard → const DocType

Address Card.

const DocType(183)
AirportImmigrationCard → const DocType

Airport Immigration Card.

const DocType(184)
AlienRegistrationCard → const DocType

Alien Regidtation Card.

const DocType(185)
APEHCard → const DocType

APEH Card.

const DocType(186)
CouponToDrivingLicense → const DocType

Coupon To Driving License.

const DocType(187)
CrewMemberCertificate → const DocType

Crew Member Certificate.

const DocType(188)
DocumentForReturn → const DocType

Document for Return.

const DocType(189)
ECard → const DocType


const DocType(190)
EmploymentCard → const DocType

Employment Card.

const DocType(191)
HKSARImmigrationForm → const DocType

HKSAR Immigration Form.

const DocType(192)
ImmigrantCard → const DocType

Immigrant Card.

const DocType(193)
LabourCard → const DocType

Labour Card.

const DocType(194)
LaissezPasser → const DocType

Laissez Passer.

const DocType(195)
LawyerIdentityCertificate → const DocType

Lawyer Identity Certificate.

const DocType(196)
LicenseCard → const DocType

License Card.

const DocType(197)
PassportStateless → const DocType

Passport Stateless.

const DocType(198)
PassportChild → const DocType

Passport Child.

const DocType(199)
PassportConsular → const DocType

Passport Consular.

const DocType(200)
PassportDiplomaticService → const DocType

Passport Diplomatic Service.

const DocType(201)
PassportOfficial → const DocType

Passport Official.

const DocType(202)
PassportProvisional → const DocType

Passport Provisional.

const DocType(203)
PassportSpecial → const DocType

Passport Special.

const DocType(204)
PermissionToTheLocalBorderTraffic → const DocType

Permission to the Local Border Traffic.

const DocType(205)
RegistrationCertificate → const DocType

Registration Certificate.

const DocType(206)
SEDESOLCard → const DocType


const DocType(207)
SocialCard → const DocType

Social Card.

const DocType(208)
TBCard → const DocType

TB Card.

const DocType(209)
VehiclePassport → const DocType

Vehicle Passport.

const DocType(210)
WDocument → const DocType

W Document.

const DocType(211)
DiplomaticIdentityCard → const DocType

Diplomatic Identity Card.

const DocType(212)
ConsularIdentityCard → const DocType

Consular Identity Card.

const DocType(213)
IncomeTaxCard → const DocType

Income Tax Card.

const DocType(214)
ResidencePermit → const DocType

Residence Permit.

const DocType(215)
DocumentOfIdentity → const DocType

Document of Identity.

const DocType(216)
BorderCrossingPermit → const DocType

Border Crossing Permit.

const DocType(217)
PassportLimitedValidity → const DocType

Passport Limited Validity.

const DocType(218)
SIMCard → const DocType

SIM Card.

const DocType(219)
TaxCard → const DocType

Tax Card.

const DocType(220)
CompanyCard → const DocType

Company Card.

const DocType(221)
DomesticPassport → const DocType

Domestic Passport.

const DocType(222)
IdentityCertificate → const DocType

Identity Certificate.

const DocType(223)
ResidentIdCard → const DocType

Resident Id Card.

const DocType(224)
ArmedForcesIdentityCard → const DocType

Armed Forces Identity Card.

const DocType(225)
ProfessionalCard → const DocType

Professional Card.

const DocType(226)
RegistrationStamp → const DocType

Registration Stamp.

const DocType(227)
DriverCard → const DocType

Driver Card.

const DocType(228)
DriverTrainingCertificate → const DocType

Driver Training Certificate.

const DocType(229)
QualificationDrivingLicense → const DocType

Qualification Driving License.

const DocType(230)
MembershipCard → const DocType

Membership Card.

const DocType(231)
PublicVehicleDriverAuthorityCard → const DocType

Public Vehicle Driver Authority Card.

const DocType(232)
MarineLicense → const DocType

Marine License.

const DocType(233)
TemporaryLearnerDrivingLicense → const DocType

Temporary Learner Driving License.

const DocType(234)
TemporaryCommercialDrivingLicense → const DocType

Temporary Commercial Driving License.

const DocType(235)
InterimInstructionalPermit → const DocType

Interim Instructional Permit.

const DocType(236)
CertificateOfCompetency → const DocType

Certificate of Competency.

const DocType(237)
CertificateOfProficiency → const DocType

Certificate of Proficiency.

const DocType(238)
TradeLicense → const DocType
const DocType(239)
PassportPage → const DocType
const DocType(240)
Invoice → const DocType
const DocType(241)
PassengerLocatorForm → const DocType
const DocType(242)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
value int


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromIntList(List? input) List<DocType>?
getByValue(int? i) DocType?


values → const List<DocType>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.