SuccessOrError typedef

SuccessOrError = (bool, DocReaderException?)

A type specifically made for receiving answer from any function which does not return anything, but we need to know whether the function has succeeded or not.

bool - indicates success status.

DocReaderException - in case success status is false - brief message for developer, null otherwise.

Examples(myFunction returns SuccessOrError):

With error handling:

var (success, error) = await myFunction();
if (success) {
} else {
  print("Error: ${error!.message}");

Using then:

myFunction().then((response) {
  var (success, error) = response;
  if (success) {
  } else {
    print("Error: ${error!.message}");

Without error handling:

var (success, _) = await myFunction();
if (success) {

Most compact:

if ((await myFunction()).$1) print("success");


typedef SuccessOrError = (bool, DocReaderException?);