transaction method

Future<T?> transaction(
  1. String id,
  2. TransactionFn<T> transaction, {
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? params,
  4. Map<String, String>? headers,
  5. dynamic onBeginSuccess,
  6. dynamic onBeginError,
  7. dynamic onCommitSuccess,
  8. dynamic onCommitError,

Executes a remote transaction on the given id.

Calling this method will first download the current data for the given id from the server. That data is then passed to transaction to be processed. Once the transaction completes, the result of that method is then saved in the database under the same id.

Should the data on the server have been modified in between reading and writing it, a TransactionRejected exception will be thrown. In addition, the data returned by the transaction must be either null or have the same as id. Otherwise, a TransactionInvalid exception is thrown.

The params and headers are simply forwarded to the internal calls to findOne and save/delete. The onBeginSuccess and onBeginError methods can optionally be specified to add customized data handling for the read request. In similar fashion, the onCommitSuccess and onCommitError are passed to the writing operation that commits the transaction.


// coverage:ignore-start
Future<T?> transaction(
  String id,
  TransactionFn<T> transaction, {
  Map<String, dynamic>? params,
  Map<String, String>? headers,
  OnData<T>? onBeginSuccess,
  OnDataError<T>? onBeginError,
  OnData<T>? onCommitSuccess,
  OnDataError<T>? onCommitError,
}) =>
      adapter: this,
      httpClientFactory: () => httpClient,
      params: params,
      headers: headers,
      onBeginSuccess: onBeginSuccess,
      onBeginError: onBeginError,
      onCommitSuccess: onCommitSuccess,
      onCommitError: onCommitError,