StringCasingExtension extension

A set of extensions for working with strings.



cIsAllCap bool
Checks if the string is in all uppercase.
no setter
cIsAlphabetOnly bool
Checks if the string contains only alphabet characters.
no setter
cIsDigit bool
Checks if the string represents an integer or a double.
no setter
cIsEmail bool
Checks if the string is a valid email address.
no setter
cIsLowerCase bool
Checks if the string is in all lowercase.
no setter
cIsPhoneIND bool
Checks if the string is a 10-digit Indian phone number.
no setter
cIsPhoneNumber bool
Checks if the string is a valid phone number.
no setter
cIsURL bool
Checks if the string is a valid URL.
no setter
cReverse String
Reverses the characters in the string.
no setter
cToBoolean bool
Converts certain string values ('true', 'false', '1', '0') to a boolean.
no setter
cToCapitalized String
Converts the first character of the string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
no setter
cToCurrencyIND String
Converts a number string to Indian currency format.
no setter
cToTitleCase String
Converts each word in the string to title case.
no setter


cToCurrency({dynamic removePointValueIfEmpty = true, dynamic symbol = '₹ ', dynamic currencyFormat = 'HI', dynamic decimalDigits = 2}) String
Converts a number string to a custom currency format.

Static Methods

cIsNull(dynamic value) bool
Checks if a dynamic value is null.