CustomNumUtils extension

An extension for the num class providing utilities for dealing with time durations and delaying code execution.



cDays Duration

Available on num, provided by the CustomNumUtils extension

Converts a numeric value to a Duration representing days.
no setter
cHours Duration

Available on num, provided by the CustomNumUtils extension

Converts a numeric value to a Duration representing hours.
no setter
cMilliseconds Duration

Available on num, provided by the CustomNumUtils extension

Converts a numeric value to a Duration representing milliseconds.
no setter
cMinutes Duration

Available on num, provided by the CustomNumUtils extension

Converts a numeric value to a Duration representing minutes.
no setter
cSeconds Duration

Available on num, provided by the CustomNumUtils extension

Converts a numeric value to a Duration representing seconds.
no setter


cDelay([FutureOr callback()?]) Future

Available on num, provided by the CustomNumUtils extension

Delays the execution of a callback or code by the specified number of seconds.