ContextExt extension

An extension for the BuildContext class providing convenient access to common MediaQuery properties and theme information.



cDevicePixelRatio double
Returns the device pixel ratio obtained from MediaQuery.of(this).devicePixelRatio.
no setter
cHeight double
Returns the height of the screen obtained from MediaQuery.of(context).size.height.
no setter
cIconColor Color?
Returns the icon color from the current theme obtained from Theme.of(context).iconTheme.color.
no setter
cIsDarkMode bool
Checks if the dark mode theme is enabled by comparing the brightness from Theme.of(context).
no setter
cIsLand bool
Checks if the device screen is in landscape mode by comparing the orientation from MediaQuery.of(context).
no setter
cIsPort bool
Checks if the device screen is in portrait mode by comparing the orientation from MediaQuery.of(context).
no setter
cIsTablet bool
Returns true if the device is identified as a tablet based on its screen size.
no setter
cMQuery MediaQueryData
Returns the MediaQueryData object obtained from MediaQuery.of(context).
no setter
cOrient Orientation
Returns the orientation of the device screen obtained from MediaQuery.of(context).orientation.
no setter
cSize Size
Returns the size of the screen obtained from MediaQuery.of(context).size.
no setter
cTextTheme TextTheme
Returns the text theme from the current theme obtained from Theme.of(context).textTheme.
no setter
cTheme ThemeData
Returns the current theme data obtained from Theme.of(context).
no setter
cWidth double
Returns the width of the screen obtained from MediaQuery.of(context).size.width.
no setter