tools/native library


openSystemCamera({String? savePath}) Future<String?>
打开系统相机 返回文件路径 Android AndroidManifest.xml 添加以下内容 ios info.plist add ios path 包含 file:///
openSystemGallery() Future<String?>
打开系统相册 返回文件路径 ios info.plist add ios path 包含 file:///
openSystemShare({String title = 'Share', String? content, List<String>? imagesPath, required ShareType shareType}) Future<String?>
saveFileToGallery(String file) Future<String?>
Save the PNG,JPG,JPEG image or video located at file to the local device media gallery.
saveImageToGallery(Uint8List imageBytes, {int quality = 100, String? name}) Future<String?>
save image to Gallery imageBytes can't null