TextEditingValueExtension extension



afterSelection String

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

no setter
beforeSelection String

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

no setter
selected String

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

no setter
wordAtCursor String?

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

The word at the cursor, including if it is on either side of the cursor. null for a non-collapsed selection.
no setter
wordAtCursorStart int?

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

The position where the word at the cursor starts. null for a non-collapsed selection.
no setter
wordToCursor String?

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

The part of the word at the cursor from start to the cursor. null for a non-collapsed selection.
no setter


deleteSelection() TextEditingValue

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

getChangedRange(TextEditingValue oldValue) TextRange?

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

Returns the widest TextRange of this that is different from oldValue if it can be produced by any of common edits allowed for user input. These are all edits that go through CodeController.value setter and do not include undo/redo.
getEditType(TextEditingValue oldValue) → EditType

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

replacedText(String newText) TextEditingValue

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

select(Pattern pattern, [int start = 0]) TextEditingValue?

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

tabsToSpaces(int spaceCount) TextEditingValue

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension

typed(String text) TextEditingValue

Available on TextEditingValue, provided by the TextEditingValueExtension extension