RemoteMediaClient class

Class for controlling a media player application running on a receiver.


RemoteMediaClient(CastHostApi _hostApi)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
mediaQueue ↔ MediaQueue
Returns the associated MediaQueue.
getter/setter pair
mediaStatusStream Stream<MediaStatus>
getter/setter pair
onAdBreakClipProgressUpdated AdBreakClipProgressListener?
Callback to get updates on the progess of the currently playing ad break clip
getter/setter pair
onAdBreakStatusUpdated MediaStatusListener?
Called when updated ad break status information is received.
getter/setter pair
onMediaError VoidCallback?
Called when receiving media error message.
getter/setter pair
onMetadataUpdated VoidCallback?
Called when updated media metadata is received.
getter/setter pair
onPreloadStatusUpdated VoidCallback?
Called when updated player queue preload status information is received, for example, the next item to play has been preloaded.
getter/setter pair
onProgressUpdated ProgressListener?
Callback to get updates on the progress of the currently playing media.
getter/setter pair
onQueueStatusUpdated VoidCallback?
Called when updated player queue status information is received.
getter/setter pair
onSendingRemoteMediaRequest VoidCallback?
Called when there is an outgoing request to the receiver.
getter/setter pair
playerState ValueListenable<PlayerState>
Listenable state of the remote media player
no setter
progressStream Stream<ProgressInfo>
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


dispatchMediaStatusUpdate(MediaStatus mediaStatus) → void
Internal method that shouldn't be visible
dispatchPlayerStateUpdate(PlayerState playerState) → void
Internal method that shouldn't be visible
dispatchProgressUpdate(int progressMs, int durationMs) → void
Internal method that shouldn't be visible
dispose() → void
getMediaInfo() Future<MediaInfo>
Returns the current media information
load(MediaLoadRequestData request) → void
Loads a new media item with specified options.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pause() → void
Pauses playback of the current media item.
play() → void
Begins (or resumes) playback of the current media item.
queueAppendItem(MediaQueueItem item) → void
Appends a new media item to the end of the queue.
queueNext() → void
Jumps to the next item in the queue.
queuePrev() → void
Jumps to the previous item in the queue.
showTracksChooserDialog() → void
A Dialog to show the available tracks (Text and Audio) for user to select.
skipAd() → void
Skips the playing ad.
stop() → void
Stops playback of the current media item.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.