CPListItem class
A selectable list item object that appears in a list template.
- CPListItem({required String text, String? detailText, dynamic onPress(dynamic complete(), CPListItem self)?, String? image, double? playbackProgress, bool? isPlaying, CPListItemPlayingIndicatorLocations? playingIndicatorLocation, CPListItemAccessoryTypes? accessoryType})
- Creates CPListItem that manages the content of a single row in a CPListTemplate. CarPlay manages the layout of a list item and may adjust its layout to allow for the display of auxiliary content, such as, an accessory or a Now Playing indicator. A list item can display primary text, secondary text, now playing indicators as playback progress, an accessory image and a trailing image.
- accessoryType ↔ CPListItemAccessoryTypes?
An accessory that the list item displays in its trailing region.
getter/setter pair
- detailText ↔ String?
Secondary text displayed below the primary text in the list item cell.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- image ↔ String?
Displays an image on the leading edge of the list item cell.
Image asset path in pubspec.yaml file.
For example: images/flutter_logo.png
getter/setter pair
- isPlaying ↔ bool?
Determines whether the list item displays its Now Playing indicator.
getter/setter pair
- onPress → dynamic Function(dynamic complete(), CPListItem self)?
An optional callback function that CarPlay invokes when the user selects the list item.
- playbackProgress ↔ double?
Playback progress status for the content that the list item represents.
getter/setter pair
- playingIndicatorLocation ↔ CPListItemPlayingIndicatorLocations?
The location where the list item displays its Now Playing indicator.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- text ↔ String
Text displayed in the list item cell.
getter/setter pair
- uniqueId → String
no setter
- updateImage ← String
Updating the image which will be displayed on the leading edge of the list item cell.
Image asset path in pubspec.yaml file.
For example: images/flutter_logo.png
no getter
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
CPListItemAccessoryTypes accessoryType) → void - Setter for accessoryType
String detailText) → void - Updating the list item's secondary text.
bool isPlaying) → void - Setter for isPlaying
double playbackProgress) → void - Setter for playbackProgress When the given value is not between 0.0 and 1.0, throws RangeError
CPListItemPlayingIndicatorLocations playingIndicatorLocation) → void - Setter for playingIndicatorLocation
String text) → void - Updating the list item's primary text.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
{String? text, String? detailText}) → void - Updating the list item's both the primary and detail text at the same time.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.