CarouselOptions class


CarouselOptions({double? height, double? aspectRatio, double viewportFraction = 0.9, int initialPage = 0, bool enableInfiniteScroll = false, bool reverse = false, bool autoPlay = false, Duration autoPlayInterval = const Duration(seconds: 5), Duration autoPlayAnimationDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300), Curve autoPlayCurve = Curves.easeInCubic, bool? enlargeCenterPage = false, CarouselController? controller, dynamic onPageChanged(int index, CarouselPageChangedReason reason)?, ValueChanged<double?>? onScrolled, ScrollPhysics? physics = const BouncingScrollPhysics(), Axis scrollDirection = Axis.horizontal, bool pauseAutoPlayOnTouch = true, bool pauseAutoPlayOnManualNavigate = true, bool pauseAutoPlayInFiniteScroll = false, PageStorageKey? pageViewKey, bool keepPage = true, CenterPageEnlargeStrategy enlargeStrategy = CenterPageEnlargeStrategy.scale, bool disableCenter = false, bool showIndicator = true, bool floatingIndicator = true, double? indicatorMargin = 8.0, SlideIndicator? slideIndicator = const CircularSlideIndicator(), Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, ScrollBehavior? scrollBehavior, bool pageSnapping = true, bool padEnds = true, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start, bool allowImplicitScrolling = false, String? restorationId})


allowImplicitScrolling bool
Controls whether the widget's pages will respond to RenderObject.showOnScreen, which will allow for implicit accessibility scrolling.
aspectRatio double?
Aspect ratio is used if no height have been declared.
autoPlay bool
Enables auto play, sliding one page at a time.
autoPlayAnimationDuration Duration
The animation duration between two transitioning pages while in auto playback.
autoPlayCurve Curve
Determines the animation curve physics.
autoPlayInterval Duration
Sets Duration to determent the frequency of slides when
clipBehavior Clip
The content will be clipped (or not) according to this option.
controller CarouselController?
A MapController, used to control the map.
disableCenter bool
Whether or not to disable the Center widget for each slide.
dragStartBehavior DragStartBehavior
Determines the way that drag start behavior is handled.
enableInfiniteScroll bool
Determines if carousel should loop infinitely or be limited to item length.
enlargeCenterPage bool?
Determines if current page should be larger then the side images, creating a feeling of depth in the carousel.
enlargeStrategy CenterPageEnlargeStrategy
Use enlargeStrategy to determine which method to enlarge the center page.
floatingIndicator bool
Whether or not to float SlideIndicator over Carousel.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double?
Set carousel height and overrides any existing aspectRatio.
indicatorMargin double?
Indicator margin
initialPage int
The initial page to show when first creating the CarouselSlider.
keepPage bool
Whether or not to keep pages in PageView
onPageChanged → (dynamic Function(int index, CarouselPageChangedReason reason)?)
Called whenever the page in the center of the viewport changes.
onScrolled ValueChanged<double?>?
Called whenever the carousel is scrolled
padEnds bool
Whether to add padding to both ends of the list. If this is set to true and viewportFraction < 1.0, padding will be added such that the first and last child slivers will be in the center of the viewport when scrolled all the way to the start or end, respectively. If viewportFraction >= 1.0, this property has no effect. This property defaults to true and must not be null.
pageSnapping bool
Set to false to disable page snapping, useful for custom scroll behavior.
pageViewKey PageStorageKey?
Pass a PageStorageKey if you want to keep the PageView's position when it was recreated.
pauseAutoPlayInFiniteScroll bool
If enableInfiniteScroll is false, and autoPlay is true, this option decide the carousel should go to the first item when it reach the last item or not. If set to true, the auto play will be paused when it reach the last item. If set to false, the auto play function will animate to the first item when it was in the last item.
pauseAutoPlayOnManualNavigate bool
If true, the auto play function will be paused when user is calling pageController's nextPage or previousPage or animateToPage method. And after the animation complete, the auto play will be resumed. Default to true.
pauseAutoPlayOnTouch bool
If true, the auto play function will be paused when user is interacting with the carousel, and will be resumed when user finish interacting. Default to true.
physics ScrollPhysics?
How the carousel should respond to user input.
restorationId String?
Restoration ID to save and restore the scroll offset of the scrollable.
reverse bool
Reverse the order of items if set to true.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scrollBehavior ScrollBehavior?
A ScrollBehavior that will be applied to this widget individually.
scrollDirection Axis
The axis along which the page view scrolls.
showIndicator bool
Whether or not to show the SlideIndicator for each slide.
slideIndicator SlideIndicator?
Use slideIndicator to determine which indicator you want to show for each slide.
viewportFraction double
The fraction of the viewport that each page should occupy.


copyWith({double? height, double? aspectRatio, double? viewportFraction, int? initialPage, bool? enableInfiniteScroll, bool? reverse, bool? autoPlay, Duration? autoPlayInterval, Duration? autoPlayAnimationDuration, Curve? autoPlayCurve, bool? enlargeCenterPage, Axis? scrollDirection, CarouselController? carouselController, dynamic onPageChanged(int index, CarouselPageChangedReason reason)?, ValueChanged<double?>? onScrolled, ScrollPhysics? physics, bool? pageSnapping, bool? pauseAutoPlayOnTouch, bool? pauseAutoPlayOnManualNavigate, bool? pauseAutoPlayInFiniteScroll, PageStorageKey? pageViewKey, CenterPageEnlargeStrategy? enlargeStrategy, bool? disableCenter, SlideIndicator? slideIndicator, bool? showIndicator, bool? floatingIndicator, double? indicatorMargin, bool? keepPage, bool? padEnds, Clip? clipBehavior, DragStartBehavior? dragStartBehavior, ScrollBehavior? scrollBehavior, bool? allowImplicitScrolling, String? restorationId}) CarouselOptions
Copy With Constructor
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.