getUserFeedback method

Future<Uri?> getUserFeedback({
  1. String title = "Feedback",
  2. String hint = "Please insert your feedback here and click send",
  3. String subjectHint = "Subject…",
  4. String messageHint = "Your feedback…",
  5. String sendButtonText = "Send",
  6. String cancelButtonText = "Close",


Future<Uri?> getUserFeedback(
    {String title = "Feedback",
    String hint = "Please insert your feedback here and click send",
    String subjectHint = "Subject…",
    String messageHint = "Your feedback…",
    String sendButtonText = "Send",
    String cancelButtonText = "Close"}) {
  return promiseToFuture(
    title: title,
    hint: hint,
    subjectPlaceholder: subjectHint,
    feedbackPlaceholder: messageHint,
    submitLabel: sendButtonText,
  ))).then((value) {
    var result = (value as bugfender_web.UserFeedbackResult);
    if (result.isSent) {
      return Uri.parse(result.feedbackURL!);
    } else {
      return null;