refreshPayload property

Map? refreshPayload
getter/setter pair

Refresh payload will be encoded into the FORM POST to the refreshUrl when requesting a new accessToken after expiration.

You must provide one field-template which will represent your "refresh token" using the value: {refreshToken}. The SDK will automatically replace this simple template with the configured refreshToken.


  authorization: Authorization(
    strategy: "JWT",
    accessToken: "XXX.YYY.ZZZ",
    refreshUrl: "",
    refreshToken: "smTsfaspfgaadsfgqZerUt0wueflasdfkaxjdfeKIacb",
    refreshPayload: {
      "my_refresh_token": "{refreshToken}", // <-- replaced with configured refreshToken above.
      "grant_type": "refresh_token",        // <-- arbitrary fields required by your auth server
      "foo": "another arbitrary field"

With the configuration above, a curl representation of the SDK's FORM POST, might look like this:

$ curl -X POST \
  -F 'my_refresh_token=smTsfaspfgaadsfgqZerUt0wueflasdfkaxjdfeKIacb' \
  -F 'grant_type=refresh_token' \
  -F 'foo=another arbitrary field' \


Map? refreshPayload;