refreshToken property
The url to your authorization server that provides new accessToken when expired.
When the SDK receives a response the server, it will decode the JSON and recursively iterate through the keys, performing regular expressions and other String-analysis to "taste" the data in search of the following 3 items:
- "access token"
- "refresh token"
- "expiry time"
The SDK is designed to operate with any response data-structure. For example, one authorization server might return a complex response such as:
"token": {
"access_token": "XXX.YYY.ZZZ",
"expires_at": 3900
"refresh_token": "smTsfaspfgaadsfgqZerUt0wueflasdfkaxjdfeKIacb"
While another server might return a flat response, such as:
"accessToken": "XXX.YYY.ZZZ",
"refreshToken": "smTsfaspfgaadsfgqZerUt0wueflasdfkaxjdfeKIacb",
"expiry": 3900
When the response from the server is received, the event BackgroundGeolocation.onAuthorization will be fired, provided with the AuthorizationEvent.
String? refreshToken;