startUi method

Future startUi(
  1. MethodCall call


Future<dynamic> startUi(MethodCall call) async {
  final args = Map<String, dynamic>.from(call.arguments);
  final window = html.window;

  // add history
  final pageTitle = args['webPageTitle'] as String?;
  final title = pageTitle ?? window.document.documentElement?.title ?? '';
  final authenticationPath = args['webAuthenticationPath'];
  final path = '${window.location.href}$authenticationPath';
  window.history.pushState(null, title, path);

  final providers = args['providers'] as String;
  final setProviders = providers.split(',');
  final options = {
    switch (name) {
      case 'Anonymous':
        return 'anonymous';
      case 'Email':
        bool requireDisplayName = args["emailLinkRequireDisplayName"] ?? true;
        bool enableEmailLink = args["emailLinkEnableEmailLink"] ?? false;
        if (!enableEmailLink) {
          return EmailSignInOption(
            provider: 'password',
            signInMethod: 'password',
            requireDisplayName: requireDisplayName,

        String url = args['emailLinkHandleURL'] ?? '';
        if (url.isEmpty) {
          throw PlatformException(
            code: 'InvalidArgs',
            details: 'Missing handleURL',

        String packageName = args["emailLinkAndroidPackageName"] ?? '';
        String minimumVersion = args["emailLinkAndroidMinimumVersion"] ?? '';
        return EmailSignInOption(
          provider: 'password',
          signInMethod: 'emailLink',
          requireDisplayName: requireDisplayName,
          emailLinkSignIn: ActionCodeSettings(
            url: url,
            handleCodeInApp: true,
            android: packageName.isNotEmpty
                ? ActionCodeSettingsAndroid(
                    packageName: packageName,
                    installApp: false,
                    minimumVersion: minimumVersion,
                : null,
      case 'Phone':
        return 'phone';
      case 'Apple':
        return '';
      case 'GitHub':
        return '';
      case 'Microsoft':
        return '';
      case 'Yahoo':
        return '';
      case 'Google':
        return '';
      case 'Facebook':
        return '';
      case 'Twitter':
        return '';

  final tosUrl = args['tosUrl'];
  final privacyPolicyUrl = args['privacyPolicyUrl'];

  // get flutter web's main view
  final fltGlassPane = window.document.querySelector('flt-glass-pane');
  if (fltGlassPane == null) {
    throw PlatformException(
      code: 'IllegalStateException',
      details: 'Failed to locate <flt-glass-pane>',

  final containerDiv = html.Element.div();
  // add div element instead of 'firebaseui-auth-container' div
  // 'fltGlassPane.parent' is a body element, maybe

  // watch back event, if not, we cannot support back key
  window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) {
    containerDiv.remove(); = 'visible';

  final completer = Completer();
  final callbacks = Callbacks(
    signInSuccessWithAuthResult: allowInterop((authResult, redirectUrl) {
      completer.complete(auth().currentUser != null);

      return false;
    signInFailure: allowInterop((error) {
    uiShown: allowInterop(() { = 'hidden';

  final config = Config(
    callbacks: callbacks,
    signInOptions: options,
    signInFlow: 'popup',
    autoUpgradeAnonymousUsers: args["autoUpgradeAnonymousUsers"] ?? false,
    tosUrl: tosUrl,
    privacyPolicyUrl: privacyPolicyUrl,

  final authUi = getInstance(auth() ?? AuthUI(auth().jsObject);
  authUi.start(containerDiv, config);

  return completer.future;