aubio class

Aubio Bindings for Dart & Flutter


aubio(DynamicLibrary dynamicLibrary)
The symbols are looked up in dynamicLibrary.
aubio.fromLookup(Pointer<T> lookup<T extends NativeType>(String symbolName))
The symbols are looked up with lookup.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


aubio_bintofreq(double bin, double samplerate, double fftsize) double
convert frequency bin to frequency (Hz)
aubio_bintomidi(double bin, double samplerate, double fftsize) double
convert frequency bin to midi value
aubio_cleanup() → void
clean up cached memory at the end of program
aubio_db_spl(Pointer<fvec_t> v) double
compute sound pressure level (SPL) in dB
aubio_dct_do(Pointer<_aubio_dct_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> dct_output) → void
compute forward DCT
aubio_dct_rdo(Pointer<_aubio_dct_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> idct_output) → void
compute backward DCT
aubio_fft_do(Pointer<_aubio_fft_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum) → void
compute forward FFT
aubio_fft_do_complex(Pointer<_aubio_fft_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> compspec) → void
compute forward FFT
aubio_fft_get_imag(Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum, Pointer<fvec_t> compspec) → void
compute imaginary part from the norm/phas cvec
aubio_fft_get_norm(Pointer<fvec_t> compspec, Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum) → void
compute norm component from real/imag parts
aubio_fft_get_phas(Pointer<fvec_t> compspec, Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum) → void
compute phas spectrum from real/imag parts
aubio_fft_get_real(Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum, Pointer<fvec_t> compspec) → void
compute real part from norm/phas components
aubio_fft_get_realimag(Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum, Pointer<fvec_t> compspec) → void
convert real/imag spectrum to norm/phas spectrum
aubio_fft_get_spectrum(Pointer<fvec_t> compspec, Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum) → void
convert real/imag spectrum to norm/phas spectrum
aubio_fft_rdo(Pointer<_aubio_fft_t> s, Pointer<cvec_t> spectrum, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
compute backward (inverse) FFT
aubio_fft_rdo_complex(Pointer<_aubio_fft_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> compspec, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
compute backward (inverse) FFT from real/imag
aubio_filter_do(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f, Pointer<fvec_t> in_1) → void
filter input vector (in-place)
aubio_filter_do_filtfilt(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f, Pointer<fvec_t> in_1, Pointer<fvec_t> tmp) → void
filter input vector forward and backward
aubio_filter_do_outplace(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f, Pointer<fvec_t> in_1, Pointer<fvec_t> out) → void
filter input vector (out-of-place)
aubio_filter_do_reset(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f) → void
reset filter memory
aubio_filter_get_feedback(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f) Pointer<lvec_t>
returns a pointer to feedback coefficients \f$ a_i \f$
aubio_filter_get_feedforward(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f) Pointer<lvec_t>
returns a pointer to feedforward coefficients \f$ b_i \f$
aubio_filter_get_order(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f) int
get order of the filter
aubio_filter_get_samplerate(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f) int
get sampling rate of the filter
aubio_filter_set_a_weighting(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f, int samplerate) int
set feedback and feedforward coefficients of a A-weighting filter
aubio_filter_set_biquad(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f, double b0, double b1, double b2, double a1, double a2) int
set coefficients of a biquad filter
aubio_filter_set_c_weighting(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f, int samplerate) int
set feedback and feedforward coefficients of a C-weighting filter
aubio_filter_set_samplerate(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f, int samplerate) int
get sampling rate of the filter
aubio_filterbank_do(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f, Pointer<cvec_t> in_1, Pointer<fvec_t> out) → void
compute filterbank
aubio_filterbank_get_coeffs(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f) Pointer<fmat_t>
return a pointer to the matrix object containing all filter coefficients
aubio_filterbank_get_norm(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f) double
get norm parameter
aubio_filterbank_get_power(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f) double
get power parameter
aubio_filterbank_set_coeffs(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f, Pointer<fmat_t> filters) int
copy filter coefficients to the filterbank
aubio_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> fb, double samplerate, double fmin, double fmax) int
Mel filterbank initialization
aubio_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_htk(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> fb, double samplerate, double fmin, double fmax) int
Mel filterbank initialization
aubio_filterbank_set_mel_coeffs_slaney(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> fb, double samplerate) int
filterbank initialization for Mel filters using Slaney's coefficients
aubio_filterbank_set_norm(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f, double norm) int
set norm parameter
aubio_filterbank_set_power(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f, double power) int
set power parameter
aubio_filterbank_set_triangle_bands(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> fb, Pointer<fvec_t> freqs, double samplerate) int
filterbank initialization with triangular and overlapping bands
aubio_freqtobin(double freq, double samplerate, double fftsize) double
convert frequency (Hz) to frequency bin
aubio_freqtomidi(double freq) double
convert frequency (Hz) to midi value (0-128)
aubio_hztomel(double freq) double
convert frequency (Hz) to mel
aubio_hztomel_htk(double freq) double
convert frequency (Hz) to mel
aubio_level_detection(Pointer<fvec_t> v, double threshold) double
get buffer level if level >= threshold, 1. otherwise
aubio_level_lin(Pointer<fvec_t> v) double
compute sound level on a linear scale
aubio_log_reset() → void
Reset all logging functions to the default one
aubio_log_set_function(Pointer<NativeFunction<aubio_log_function_t>> fun, Pointer<Void> data) → void
Set logging function for all levels
aubio_log_set_level_function(int level, Pointer<NativeFunction<aubio_log_function_t>> fun, Pointer<Void> data) Pointer<NativeFunction<aubio_log_function_t>>
Set logging function for a given level
aubio_meltohz(double mel) double
convert mel to frequency (Hz)
aubio_meltohz_htk(double mel) double
convert mel to frequency (Hz)
aubio_mfcc_do(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf, Pointer<cvec_t> in_1, Pointer<fvec_t> out) → void
mfcc object processing
aubio_mfcc_get_power(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf) double
get power parameter
aubio_mfcc_get_scale(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf) double
get scaling parameter
aubio_mfcc_set_mel_coeffs(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf, double fmin, double fmax) int
Mel filterbank initialization
aubio_mfcc_set_mel_coeffs_htk(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf, double fmin, double fmax) int
Mel filterbank initialization
aubio_mfcc_set_mel_coeffs_slaney(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf) int
Mel filterbank initialization (Auditory Toolbox's parameters)
aubio_mfcc_set_power(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf, double power) int
set power parameter
aubio_mfcc_set_scale(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf, double scale) int
set scaling parameter
aubio_miditobin(double midi, double samplerate, double fftsize) double
convert midi value to frequency bin
aubio_miditofreq(double midi) double
convert midi value (0-128) to frequency (Hz)
aubio_notes_do(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
execute note detection on an input signal frame
aubio_notes_get_minioi_ms(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o) double
get notes detection minimum inter-onset interval, in millisecond
aubio_notes_get_release_drop(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o) double
get notes object release drop level, in dB
aubio_notes_get_silence(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o) double
get notes detection silence threshold
aubio_notes_set_minioi_ms(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o, double minioi_ms) int
set notes detection minimum inter-onset interval, in millisecond
aubio_notes_set_release_drop(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o, double release_drop) int
set note release drop level, in dB
aubio_notes_set_silence(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o, double silence) int
set notes detection silence threshold
aubio_onset_do(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> onset) → void
execute onset detection
aubio_onset_get_awhitening(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get onset detection adaptive whitening
aubio_onset_get_compression(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get onset detection log compression
aubio_onset_get_delay(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) int
get delay in samples
aubio_onset_get_delay_ms(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get delay in milliseconds
aubio_onset_get_delay_s(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get delay in seconds
aubio_onset_get_descriptor(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get onset detection function
aubio_onset_get_last(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) int
get the time of the latest onset detected, in samples
aubio_onset_get_last_ms(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get the time of the latest onset detected, in milliseconds
aubio_onset_get_last_s(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get the time of the latest onset detected, in seconds
aubio_onset_get_minioi(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) int
get minimum inter onset interval in samples
aubio_onset_get_minioi_ms(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get minimum inter onset interval in milliseconds
aubio_onset_get_minioi_s(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get minimum inter onset interval in seconds
aubio_onset_get_silence(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get onset detection silence threshold
aubio_onset_get_threshold(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get onset peak picking threshold
aubio_onset_get_thresholded_descriptor(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) double
get thresholded onset detection function
aubio_onset_reset(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) → void
reset onset detection
aubio_onset_set_awhitening(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, int enable) int
set onset detection adaptive whitening
aubio_onset_set_compression(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, double lambda) int
set or disable log compression
aubio_onset_set_default_parameters(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, Pointer<Int8> onset_mode) int
set default parameters
aubio_onset_set_delay(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, int delay) int
set delay in samples
aubio_onset_set_delay_ms(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, double delay) int
set delay in milliseconds
aubio_onset_set_delay_s(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, double delay) int
set delay in seconds
aubio_onset_set_minioi(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, int minioi) int
set minimum inter onset interval in samples
aubio_onset_set_minioi_ms(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, double minioi) int
set minimum inter onset interval in milliseconds
aubio_onset_set_minioi_s(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, double minioi) int
set minimum inter onset interval in seconds
aubio_onset_set_silence(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, double silence) int
set onset detection silence threshold
aubio_onset_set_threshold(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o, double threshold) int
set onset detection peak picking threshold
aubio_parameter_get_current_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param) double
get current parameter value, without interpolation
aubio_parameter_get_max_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param) double
get maximum value of this parameter
aubio_parameter_get_min_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param) double
get minimum value of this parameter
aubio_parameter_get_next_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param) double
get next parameter
aubio_parameter_get_steps(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param) int
get number of steps of this parameter
aubio_parameter_set_current_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param, double value) int
set current parameter value, skipping interpolation
aubio_parameter_set_max_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param, double max_value) int
set maximum value of this parameter
aubio_parameter_set_min_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param, double min_value) int
set minimum value of this parameter
aubio_parameter_set_steps(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param, int steps) int
set number of steps used for interpolation
aubio_parameter_set_target_value(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param, double value) int
set target value of the parameter
aubio_pitch_do(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o, Pointer<fvec_t> in_1, Pointer<fvec_t> out) → void
execute pitch detection on an input signal frame
aubio_pitch_get_confidence(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o) double
get the current confidence
aubio_pitch_get_silence(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o) double
set the silence threshold of the pitch detection object
aubio_pitch_get_tolerance(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o) double
get yin or yinfft tolerance threshold
aubio_pitch_set_silence(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o, double silence) int
set the silence threshold of the pitch detection object
aubio_pitch_set_tolerance(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o, double tol) int
change yin or yinfft tolerance threshold
aubio_pitch_set_unit(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o, Pointer<Int8> mode) int
set the output unit of the pitch detection object
aubio_pvoc_do(Pointer<_aubio_pvoc_t> pv, Pointer<fvec_t> in_1, Pointer<cvec_t> fftgrain) → void
compute spectral frame
aubio_pvoc_get_hop(Pointer<_aubio_pvoc_t> pv) int
get hop size
aubio_pvoc_get_win(Pointer<_aubio_pvoc_t> pv) int
get window size
aubio_pvoc_rdo(Pointer<_aubio_pvoc_t> pv, Pointer<cvec_t> fftgrain, Pointer<fvec_t> out) → void
compute signal from spectral frame
aubio_pvoc_set_window(Pointer<_aubio_pvoc_t> pv, Pointer<Int8> window_type) int
set window type
aubio_resampler_do(Pointer<_aubio_resampler_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
resample input in output
aubio_sampler_do(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
process sampler function
aubio_sampler_do_multi(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o, Pointer<fmat_t> input, Pointer<fmat_t> output) → void
process sampler function, multiple channels
aubio_sampler_get_playing(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o) int
get current playing state
aubio_sampler_load(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o, Pointer<Int8> uri) int
load source in sampler
aubio_sampler_play(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o) int
play sample from start
aubio_sampler_set_playing(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o, int playing) int
set current playing state
aubio_sampler_stop(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o) int
stop sample
aubio_silence_detection(Pointer<fvec_t> v, double threshold) int
check if buffer level in dB SPL is under a given threshold
aubio_sink_close(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s) int
close sink
aubio_sink_do(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> write_data, int write) → void
write monophonic vector of length hop_size to sink
aubio_sink_do_multi(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s, Pointer<fmat_t> write_data, int write) → void
write polyphonic vector of length hop_size to sink
aubio_sink_get_channels(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s) int
get channels of sink object
aubio_sink_get_samplerate(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s) int
get samplerate of sink object
aubio_sink_preset_channels(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s, int channels) int
preset sink channels
aubio_sink_preset_samplerate(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s, int samplerate) int
preset sink samplerate
aubio_source_close(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s) int
close source object
aubio_source_do(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> read_to, Pointer<Uint32> read) → void
read monophonic vector of length hop_size from source object
aubio_source_do_multi(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s, Pointer<fmat_t> read_to, Pointer<Uint32> read) → void
read polyphonic vector of length hop_size from source object
aubio_source_get_channels(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s) int
get channels of source object
aubio_source_get_duration(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s) int
get the duration of source object, in frames
aubio_source_get_samplerate(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s) int
get samplerate of source object
aubio_source_seek(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s, int pos) int
seek source object
aubio_specdesc_do(Pointer<_aubio_specdesc_t> o, Pointer<cvec_t> fftgrain, Pointer<fvec_t> desc) → void
execute spectral description function on a spectral frame
aubio_spectral_whitening_do(Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t> o, Pointer<cvec_t> fftgrain) → void
execute spectral adaptive whitening, in-place
aubio_spectral_whitening_get_floor(Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t> o) double
get floor of spectral whitening
aubio_spectral_whitening_get_relax_time(Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t> o) double
get relaxation time of spectral whitening
aubio_spectral_whitening_reset(Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t> o) → void
reset spectral whitening object
aubio_spectral_whitening_set_floor(Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t> o, double floor) int
set floor for spectral whitening
aubio_spectral_whitening_set_relax_time(Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t> o, double relax_time) int
set relaxation time for spectral whitening
aubio_tempo_do(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> tempo) → void
execute tempo detection
aubio_tempo_get_bpm(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get current tempo
aubio_tempo_get_confidence(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get current tempo confidence
aubio_tempo_get_delay(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) int
get current delay
aubio_tempo_get_delay_ms(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get current delay in ms
aubio_tempo_get_delay_s(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get current delay in seconds
aubio_tempo_get_last(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) int
get the time of the latest beat detected, in samples
aubio_tempo_get_last_ms(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get the time of the latest beat detected, in milliseconds
aubio_tempo_get_last_s(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get the time of the latest beat detected, in seconds
aubio_tempo_get_last_tatum(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get position of last_tatum, in samples
aubio_tempo_get_period(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> bt) double
get current beat period in samples
aubio_tempo_get_period_s(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> bt) double
get current beat period in seconds
aubio_tempo_get_silence(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get tempo detection silence threshold
aubio_tempo_get_threshold(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) double
get tempo peak picking threshold
aubio_tempo_set_delay(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o, int delay) int
set current delay
aubio_tempo_set_delay_ms(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o, double delay) int
set current delay
aubio_tempo_set_delay_s(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o, double delay) int
set current delay in seconds
aubio_tempo_set_silence(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o, double silence) int
set tempo detection silence threshold
aubio_tempo_set_tatum_signature(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o, int signature) int
set number of tatum per beat
aubio_tempo_set_threshold(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o, double threshold) int
set tempo detection peak picking threshold
aubio_tempo_was_tatum(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) int
check whether a tatum was detected in the current frame
aubio_tss_do(Pointer<_aubio_tss_t> o, Pointer<cvec_t> input, Pointer<cvec_t> trans, Pointer<cvec_t> stead) → void
split input into transient and steady states components
aubio_tss_set_alpha(Pointer<_aubio_tss_t> o, double alpha) int
set parameter a, defaults to 3
aubio_tss_set_beta(Pointer<_aubio_tss_t> o, double beta) int
set parameter b, defaults to 3
aubio_tss_set_threshold(Pointer<_aubio_tss_t> o, double thrs) int
set transient / steady state separation threshold
aubio_unwrap2pi(double phase) double
compute the principal argument
aubio_wavetable_do(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o, Pointer<fvec_t> input, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
process wavetable function
aubio_wavetable_do_multi(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o, Pointer<fmat_t> input, Pointer<fmat_t> output) → void
process wavetable function, multiple channels
aubio_wavetable_get_amp(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o) double
get wavetable amplitude
aubio_wavetable_get_freq(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o) double
get wavetable frequency
aubio_wavetable_get_playing(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o) int
get current playing state
aubio_wavetable_load(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o, Pointer<Int8> uri) int
load source in wavetable
aubio_wavetable_play(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o) int
play sample from start
aubio_wavetable_set_amp(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o, double amp) int
set wavetable amplitude
aubio_wavetable_set_freq(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o, double freq) int
set wavetable frequency
aubio_wavetable_set_playing(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o, int playing) int
set current playing state
aubio_wavetable_stop(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o) int
stop wavetable
aubio_zero_crossing_rate(Pointer<fvec_t> v) double
zero-crossing rate (ZCR)
cvec_copy(Pointer<cvec_t> s, Pointer<cvec_t> t) → void
make a copy of a vector
cvec_logmag(Pointer<cvec_t> s, double lambda) → void
take logarithmic magnitude
cvec_norm_get_data(Pointer<cvec_t> s) Pointer<Float>
read norm data from a complex buffer
cvec_norm_get_sample(Pointer<cvec_t> s, int position) double
read norm value from a complex buffer
cvec_norm_ones(Pointer<cvec_t> s) → void
set all norm elements to one
cvec_norm_set_all(Pointer<cvec_t> s, double val) → void
set all norm elements to a given value
cvec_norm_set_sample(Pointer<cvec_t> s, double val, int position) → void
write norm value in a complex buffer
cvec_norm_zeros(Pointer<cvec_t> s) → void
set all norm elements to zero
cvec_phas_get_data(Pointer<cvec_t> s) Pointer<Float>
read phase data from a complex buffer
cvec_phas_get_sample(Pointer<cvec_t> s, int position) double
read phase value from a complex buffer
cvec_phas_ones(Pointer<cvec_t> s) → void
set all phase elements to one
cvec_phas_set_all(Pointer<cvec_t> s, double val) → void
set all phase elements to a given value
cvec_phas_set_sample(Pointer<cvec_t> s, double val, int position) → void
write phase value in a complex buffer
cvec_phas_zeros(Pointer<cvec_t> s) → void
set all phase elements to zero
cvec_print(Pointer<cvec_t> s) → void
print out cvec data
cvec_zeros(Pointer<cvec_t> s) → void
set all norm and phas elements to zero
del_aubio_dct(Pointer<_aubio_dct_t> s) → void
delete DCT object
del_aubio_fft(Pointer<_aubio_fft_t> s) → void
delete FFT object
del_aubio_filter(Pointer<_aubio_filter_t> f) → void
delete a filter object
del_aubio_filterbank(Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t> f) → void
destroy filterbank object
del_aubio_mfcc(Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t> mf) → void
delete mfcc object
del_aubio_notes(Pointer<_aubio_notes_t> o) → void
delete notes detection object
del_aubio_onset(Pointer<_aubio_onset_t> o) → void
delete onset detection object
del_aubio_parameter(Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t> param) → void
destroy ::aubio_parameter_t object
del_aubio_pitch(Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t> o) → void
deletion of the pitch detection object
del_aubio_pvoc(Pointer<_aubio_pvoc_t> pv) → void
delete phase vocoder object
del_aubio_resampler(Pointer<_aubio_resampler_t> s) → void
delete resampler object
del_aubio_sampler(Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t> o) → void
destroy ::aubio_sampler_t object
del_aubio_sink(Pointer<_aubio_sink_t> s) → void
close sink and cleanup memory
del_aubio_source(Pointer<_aubio_source_t> s) → void
close source and cleanup memory
del_aubio_specdesc(Pointer<_aubio_specdesc_t> o) → void
deletion of a spectral descriptor
del_aubio_spectral_whitening(Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t> o) → void
deletion of a spectral whitening
del_aubio_tempo(Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t> o) → void
delete tempo detection object
del_aubio_tss(Pointer<_aubio_tss_t> o) → void
delete tss object
del_aubio_wavetable(Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t> o) → void
destroy aubio_wavetable_t object
del_cvec(Pointer<cvec_t> s) → void
cvec_t buffer deletion function
del_fmat(Pointer<fmat_t> s) → void
fmat_t buffer deletion function
del_fvec(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
fvec_t buffer deletion function
del_lvec(Pointer<lvec_t> s) → void
lvec_t buffer deletion function
fmat_copy(Pointer<fmat_t> s, Pointer<fmat_t> t) → void
make a copy of a matrix
fmat_get_channel(Pointer<fmat_t> s, int channel, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
read channel vector from a buffer
fmat_get_channel_data(Pointer<fmat_t> s, int channel) Pointer<Float>
get vector buffer from an fmat data
fmat_get_data(Pointer<fmat_t> s) Pointer<Pointer<Float>>
read data from a buffer
fmat_get_sample(Pointer<fmat_t> s, int channel, int position) double
read sample value in a buffer
fmat_ones(Pointer<fmat_t> s) → void
set all elements to ones
fmat_print(Pointer<fmat_t> s) → void
print out fmat data
fmat_rev(Pointer<fmat_t> s) → void
revert order of vector elements
fmat_set(Pointer<fmat_t> s, double val) → void
set all elements to a given value
fmat_set_sample(Pointer<fmat_t> s, double data, int channel, int position) → void
write sample value in a buffer
fmat_vecmul(Pointer<fmat_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> scale, Pointer<fvec_t> output) → void
compute the product of a matrix by a vector
fmat_weight(Pointer<fmat_t> s, Pointer<fmat_t> weight) → void
apply weight to vector
fmat_zeros(Pointer<fmat_t> s) → void
set all elements to zero
fvec_abs(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute the \f$abs(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_ceil(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute the \f$ceil(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_clamp(Pointer<fvec_t> in_1, double absmax) → void
clamp the values of a vector within the range -abs(max), abs(max)
fvec_copy(Pointer<fvec_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> t) → void
make a copy of a vector
fvec_cos(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute \f$cos(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_exp(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute \f$e^x\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_floor(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute the \f$floor(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_get_data(Pointer<fvec_t> s) Pointer<Float>
read data from a buffer
fvec_get_sample(Pointer<fvec_t> s, int position) double
read sample value in a buffer
fvec_log(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute the \f$log(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_log10(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute the \f$log10(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_ones(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
set all elements to ones
fvec_pow(Pointer<fvec_t> s, double pow) → void
raise each vector elements to the power pow
fvec_print(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
print out fvec data
fvec_rev(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
revert order of vector elements
fvec_round(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute the \f$round(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_set_all(Pointer<fvec_t> s, double val) → void
set all elements to a given value
fvec_set_sample(Pointer<fvec_t> s, double data, int position) → void
write sample value in a buffer
fvec_set_window(Pointer<fvec_t> window, Pointer<Int8> window_type) int
set elements of a vector to window coefficients
fvec_sin(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute \f$sin(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_sqrt(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
compute the \f$sqrt(x)\f$ of each vector elements
fvec_weight(Pointer<fvec_t> s, Pointer<fvec_t> weight) → void
apply weight to vector
fvec_weighted_copy(Pointer<fvec_t> in_1, Pointer<fvec_t> weight, Pointer<fvec_t> out) → void
make a copy of a vector, applying weights to each element
fvec_zeros(Pointer<fvec_t> s) → void
set all elements to zero
lvec_get_data(Pointer<lvec_t> s) Pointer<Double>
read data from a buffer
lvec_get_sample(Pointer<lvec_t> s, int position) double
read sample value in a buffer
lvec_ones(Pointer<lvec_t> s) → void
set all elements to ones
lvec_print(Pointer<lvec_t> s) → void
print out lvec data
lvec_set_all(Pointer<lvec_t> s, double val) → void
set all elements to a given value
lvec_set_sample(Pointer<lvec_t> s, double data, int position) → void
write sample value in a buffer
lvec_zeros(Pointer<lvec_t> s) → void
set all elements to zero
new_aubio_dct(int size) Pointer<_aubio_dct_t>
create new DCT computation object
new_aubio_fft(int size) Pointer<_aubio_fft_t>
create new FFT computation object
new_aubio_filter(int order) Pointer<_aubio_filter_t>
create new filter object
new_aubio_filter_a_weighting(int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_filter_t>
create new A-design filter
new_aubio_filter_biquad(double b0, double b1, double b2, double a1, double a2) Pointer<_aubio_filter_t>
create biquad filter with b0, b1, b2, a1, a2 coeffs
new_aubio_filter_c_weighting(int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_filter_t>
create new C-design filter
new_aubio_filterbank(int n_filters, int win_s) Pointer<_aubio_filterbank_t>
create filterbank object
new_aubio_mfcc(int buf_size, int n_filters, int n_coeffs, int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_mfcc_t>
create mfcc object
new_aubio_notes(Pointer<Int8> method, int buf_size, int hop_size, int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_notes_t>
create notes detection object
new_aubio_onset(Pointer<Int8> method, int buf_size, int hop_size, int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_onset_t>
create onset detection object
new_aubio_parameter(double min_value, double max_value, int steps) Pointer<_aubio_parameter_t>
create new parameter object
new_aubio_pitch(Pointer<Int8> method, int buf_size, int hop_size, int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_pitch_t>
creation of the pitch detection object
new_aubio_pvoc(int win_s, int hop_s) Pointer<_aubio_pvoc_t>
create phase vocoder object
new_aubio_resampler(double ratio, int type) Pointer<_aubio_resampler_t>
create resampler object
new_aubio_sampler(int samplerate, int hop_size) Pointer<_aubio_sampler_t>
create new sampler object
new_aubio_sink(Pointer<Int8> uri, int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_sink_t>
create new ::aubio_sink_t
new_aubio_source(Pointer<Int8> uri, int samplerate, int hop_size) Pointer<_aubio_source_t>
create new ::aubio_source_t
new_aubio_specdesc(Pointer<Int8> method, int buf_size) Pointer<_aubio_specdesc_t>
creation of a spectral description object
new_aubio_spectral_whitening(int buf_size, int hop_size, int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_spectral_whitening_t>
creation of a spectral whitening object
new_aubio_tempo(Pointer<Int8> method, int buf_size, int hop_size, int samplerate) Pointer<_aubio_tempo_t>
create tempo detection object
new_aubio_tss(int buf_size, int hop_size) Pointer<_aubio_tss_t>
create tss object
new_aubio_wavetable(int samplerate, int hop_size) Pointer<_aubio_wavetable_t>
create new wavetable object
new_aubio_window(Pointer<Int8> window_type, int size) Pointer<fvec_t>
create window
new_cvec(int length) Pointer<cvec_t>
cvec_t buffer creation function
new_fmat(int height, int length) Pointer<fmat_t>
fmat_t buffer creation function
new_fvec(int length) Pointer<fvec_t>
fvec_t buffer creation function
new_lvec(int length) Pointer<lvec_t>
lvec_t buffer creation function
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.