blurX method

T blurX({
  1. Duration? delay,
  2. Duration? duration,
  3. Curve? curve,
  4. double? begin,
  5. double? end,

Adds a blurX extension to AnimateManager (Animate and AnimateList). This blurs only on the x-axis according to the double begin/end values.


T blurX({
  Duration? delay,
  Duration? duration,
  Curve? curve,
  double? begin,
  double? end,
}) {
  end ??= (begin == null ? BlurEffect.defaultBlur : BlurEffect.neutralBlur);
  begin ??= BlurEffect.neutralBlur;
  return addEffect(BlurEffect(
    delay: delay,
    duration: duration,
    curve: curve,
    begin: BlurEffect.neutralValue.copyWith(dx: begin),
    end: BlurEffect.neutralValue.copyWith(dx: end),