flutter_3d_objects library


Defines a 2-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box between a min and a max position.
Defines a 3-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box between a min and a max position.
Contains functions for converting between different color models and manipulating colors. In addition to that, some known colors can be accessed for fast prototyping.
Defines a frustum constructed out of six Planes.
Defines a result of an intersection test.
2D Matrix. Values are stored in column major order.
3D Matrix. Values are stored in column major order.
4D Matrix. Values are stored in column major order.
Defines a 3-dimensional oriented bounding box defined with a center, halfExtents and axes.
Defines a quad by four points.
Defines a Quaternion (a four-dimensional vector) for efficient rotation calculations.
Defines a Ray by an origin and a direction.
Defines a sphere with a center and a radius.
Defines a triangle by three points.
Base class for vectors
2D column vector.
3D column vector.
4D column vector.


degrees2Radians → const double
Constant factor to convert and angle from degrees to radians.
radians2Degrees → const double
Constant factor to convert and angle from radians to degrees.


absoluteError(dynamic calculated, dynamic correct) double
Returns absolute error between calculated and correct. The type of calculated and correct must match and can be any vector, matrix, or quaternion.
buildPlaneVectors(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 u, Vector3 v) → void
Sets u and v to be two vectors orthogonal to each other and planeNormal.
catmullRom(double edge0, double edge1, double edge2, double edge3, double amount) double
Do a catmull rom spline interpolation with edge0, edge1, edge2 and edge3 by amount.
cross2(Vector2 x, Vector2 y) double
2D cross product. vec2 x vec2.
cross2A(double x, Vector2 y, Vector2 out) → void
2D cross product. double x vec2.
cross2B(Vector2 x, double y, Vector2 out) → void
2D cross product. vec2 x double.
cross3(Vector3 x, Vector3 y, Vector3 out) → void
3D Cross product.
degrees(double radians) double
Convert radians to degrees.
dot2(Vector2 x, Vector2 y) double
2D dot product.
dot3(Vector3 x, Vector3 y) double
3D dot product.
fromColor(Color color) Vector3
Convert Color to Vector3
getImagePixels(Image image) Future<Uint32List>
loadImageFromAsset(String fileName, {bool isAsset = true}) Future<Image>
load an image from asset
loadMtl(String fileName, {bool isAsset = true}) Future<Map<String, Material>>
Loading material from Material Library File (.mtl). Reference:http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/mtl/
loadObj(String fileName, bool normalized, {bool isAsset = true}) Future<List<Mesh>>
Loading mesh from Wavefront's object file (.obj). Reference:http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/obj/
loadTexture(Material? material, String basePath, {bool isAsset = true}) Future<MapEntry<String, Image>?>
load texture from asset
makeFrustumMatrix(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far) Matrix4
Constructs a new OpenGL perspective projection matrix.
makeInfiniteMatrix(double fovYRadians, double aspectRatio, double zNear) Matrix4
Constructs a new OpenGL infinite projection matrix.
makeOrthographicMatrix(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far) Matrix4
Constructs a new OpenGL orthographic projection matrix.
makePerspectiveMatrix(double fovYRadians, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar) Matrix4
Constructs a new OpenGL perspective projection matrix.
makePlaneProjection(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) Matrix4
Returns a transformation matrix that transforms points onto the plane specified with planeNormal and planePoint.
makePlaneReflection(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) Matrix4
Returns a transformation matrix that transforms points by reflecting them through the plane specified with planeNormal and planePoint.
makeViewMatrix(Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraFocusPosition, Vector3 upDirection) Matrix4
Constructs a new OpenGL view matrix.
mix(double min, double max, double a) double
Interpolate between min and max with the amount of a using a linear interpolation. The computation is equivalent to the GLSL function mix.
normalizeMesh(List<Mesh> meshes) List<Mesh>
Scale the model size to 1
normalVector(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) Vector3
Calculate normal vector
packingTexture(List<Mesh> meshes) Future<Image?>
pickRay(Matrix4 cameraMatrix, num viewportX, num viewportWidth, num viewportY, num viewportHeight, num pickX, num pickY, Vector3 rayNear, Vector3 rayFar) bool
On success, rayNear and rayFar are the points where the screen space pickX, pickY intersect with the near and far planes respectively.
radians(double degrees) double
Convert degrees to radians.
relativeError(dynamic calculated, dynamic correct) double
Returns relative error between calculated and correct. The type of calculated and correct must match and can be any vector, matrix, or quaternion.
setFrustumMatrix(Matrix4 perspectiveMatrix, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far) → void
Constructs an OpenGL perspective projection matrix in perspectiveMatrix.
setInfiniteMatrix(Matrix4 infiniteMatrix, double fovYRadians, double aspectRatio, double zNear) → void
Constructs an OpenGL infinite projection matrix in infiniteMatrix. fovYRadians specifies the field of view angle, in radians, in the y direction. aspectRatio specifies the aspect ratio that determines the field of view in the x direction. The aspect ratio of x (width) to y (height). zNear specifies the distance from the viewer to the near plane (always positive).
setModelMatrix(Matrix4 modelMatrix, Vector3 forwardDirection, Vector3 upDirection, double tx, double ty, double tz) → void
Constructs an OpenGL model matrix in modelMatrix. Model transformation is the inverse of the view transformation. Model transformation is also known as "camera" transformation. Model matrix is commonly used to compute a object location/orientation into the full model-view stack.
setOrthographicMatrix(Matrix4 orthographicMatrix, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far) → void
Constructs an OpenGL orthographic projection matrix in orthographicMatrix.
setPerspectiveMatrix(Matrix4 perspectiveMatrix, double fovYRadians, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar) → void
Constructs an OpenGL perspective projection matrix in perspectiveMatrix.
setRotationMatrix(Matrix4 rotationMatrix, Vector3 forwardDirection, Vector3 upDirection) → void
Constructs a rotation matrix in rotationMatrix.
setViewMatrix(Matrix4 viewMatrix, Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraFocusPosition, Vector3 upDirection) → void
Constructs an OpenGL view matrix in viewMatrix. View transformation is the inverse of the model transformation. View matrix is commonly used to compute the camera location/orientation into the full model-view stack.
smoothStep(double edge0, double edge1, double amount) double
Do a smooth step (hermite interpolation) interpolation with edge0 and edge1 by amount. The computation is equivalent to the GLSL function smoothstep.
toColor(Vector3 v, [double opacity = 1.0]) Color
Convert Vector3 to Color
toVector2(Offset value) Vector2
Convert Offset to Vector2
unproject(Matrix4 cameraMatrix, num viewportX, num viewportWidth, num viewportY, num viewportHeight, num pickX, num pickY, num pickZ, Vector3 pickWorld) bool
On success, Sets pickWorld to be the world space position of the screen space pickX, pickY, and pickZ.


ObjectCreatedCallback = void Function(Object object)
SceneCreatedCallback = void Function(Scene scene)