align({AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
bottom({double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
center({Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
constrainedBox({required BoxConstraints constraints, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
expand({Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
expanded({int flex = 1, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
fill({double left = 0.0, double top = 0.0, double right = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0, double width = 0.0, double height = 0.0, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
flexible({int flex = 1, FlexFit fit = FlexFit.loose, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
inkWell(GestureTapCallback onTap, {Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
left({double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
materialInkWell(GestureTapCallback onTap, {Color color = Colors.transparent, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
onTap(GestureTapCallback onTap, {HitTestBehavior? behavior, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
opacity({required double opacity, bool alwaysIncludeSemantics = false, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
padding({required EdgeInsetsGeometry padding, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
positioned({double? left, double? top, double? right, double? bottom, double? width, double? height, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
right({double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
rotate({required double angle, Offset? origin, AlignmentGeometry? alignment = Alignment.center, bool transformHitTests = true, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
safeArea({bool left = true, bool top = true, bool right = true, bool bottom = true, EdgeInsets minimum = EdgeInsets.zero, bool maintainBottomViewPadding = false, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
scale({required double scale, Offset? origin, AlignmentGeometry? alignment = Alignment.center, bool transformHitTests = true, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
sizedBox({double? width, double? height, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
top({double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
translate({required Offset offset, bool transformHitTests = true, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension
visibility({bool visible = true, Key? key})
→ Widget
Available on Widget,
provided by the WidgetExt extension