Ambiance topic


The Ambiance library consists of the core color algorithm used to generate palettes, as well as various utilities and widgets for easy use of the Ambiance system.


Ambiance Ambiance
A widget that provides the current AmbianceState to its descendants.
AmbiancePalette Ambiance
Palette of ambiance colors.
AmbianceState Ambiance
A data class that holds the current Ambiance state.
CIELAB Ambiance
A color in the CIELAB color space.
CIEXYZ Ambiance
Class representing the CIEXYZ colorspace.
HSL Ambiance
Class representing the HSL colorspace.
LCH Ambiance
Class representing the LCH colorspace.
RGB Ambiance
Class representing the RGB colorspace.


AmbianceExtension on BuildContext Ambiance
BrightenExtension on Color Ambiance
Extension on Color to add brightness algorithm.
HSLColorExtension on Color Ambiance
Extension that adds HSL conversion methods to Color.
LuminanceExtension on Color Ambiance
Extension on Color to get luminance values.
RGBExtension on Color Ambiance
Extension that adds RGB conversion methods to Color.
SaturateExtension on Color Ambiance
Extension on Color that adds saturation methods.


getColorFromElevation(Color color, int elevation) Color Ambiance
A function that returns a Color from the given color's ambiance palette given the elevation.
getPaletteFromColor(Color color) AmbiancePalette Ambiance
A function that returns an AmbiancePalette from a given Color.
lightColor(Color color) Color Ambiance
The lightest color, tweaked by a custom algorithm.


ColorCallback = Color Function() Ambiance
A callback that returns a Color.
ColorCallbackWithArg = Color Function(int) Ambiance
A callback that takes an int argument and returns a Color.