fluff library
- AccentColors
- Button
- The Button control provides a Click event to respond to user input from a touch, mouse, keyboard, stylus, or other input device.
- ButtonBorder
- CaptionButton
- CaptionButtons
- CloseCaptionButton
- ColorPalette
- Fluent design colors for UI elements.
- FluffApp
- Entry point for Fluff-based apps.
- Label
- Label replaces the material Text widget and supports fluent design typography out of the box.
- MaxOrRestoreCaptionButton
- MinCaptionButton
- NavigationView provides a common vertical layout for top-level areas of the app via a collapsible navigation menu.
- SymbolIcon
- Displays an icon from the Segoe Fluent Icons iconset.
- SymbolIcons
- A list of all supported symbol icons from the Segoe Fluent Icons.
- Tappable
- Base for tappable widgets like Button, AppBarButton and ListViewItem.
- TextBox
- TitleBar
- A fluent design title bar widget.
- Typography
- Fluent design typography.
- ButtonStyles
- CaptionButtonSize
- TappableState
- TitleBarSize
- Enum for sizes of the title bar.
- SymbolIconData = int
- Type alias for the icon data.
- TappableWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext, TappableState)