build method

  1. @override
Widget build(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. bool selected,
  3. VoidCallback? onPressed, {
  4. PaneDisplayMode? displayMode,
  5. bool showTextOnTop = true,
  6. ValueChanged<PaneItem>? onItemPressed,
  7. bool? autofocus,
  8. int? itemIndex,

Used to construct the pane items all around NavigationView. You can customize how the pane items should look like by overriding this method


Widget build(
  BuildContext context,
  bool selected,
  VoidCallback? onPressed, {
  PaneDisplayMode? displayMode,
  bool showTextOnTop = true,
  ValueChanged<PaneItem>? onItemPressed,
  bool? autofocus,
  int? itemIndex,
}) {
  final maybeBody = _InheritedNavigationView.maybeOf(context);
  final mode = displayMode ??
      maybeBody?.displayMode ??
      maybeBody?.pane?.displayMode ??

  return KeyedSubtree(
    key: key,
    child: _PaneItemExpander(
      key: expanderKey,
      item: this,
      items: items,
      displayMode: mode,
      showTextOnTop: showTextOnTop,
      selected: selected,
      onPressed: onPressed,
      onItemPressed: onItemPressed,
      initiallyExpanded: initiallyExpanded,