updateValue method

void updateValue()


void updateValue() {
  num? value;
  if (controller.text.isNotEmpty) {
    value = num.tryParse(controller.text);
    if (value == null && widget.allowExpressions) {
      try {
        value = Parser()
            .evaluate(EvaluationType.REAL, ContextModel());
        // If the value is infinite or not a number, we reset the value with
        // the previous valid value. For example, if the user tap 1024^200
        // (the result is too big), the condition value.isInfinite is true.
        if (value!.isInfinite || value.isNaN) {
          value = previousValidValue;
      } catch (_) {
        value = previousValidValue;
    } else {
      value ??= previousValidValue;

    if (value != null && widget.max != null && value > widget.max!) {
      value = widget.max;
    } else if (value != null && widget.min != null && value < widget.min!) {
      value = widget.min;

    if (T == int) {
      value = value?.toInt();
    } else {
      value = value?.toDouble();

    controller.text = _format(value) ?? '';
  previousValidValue = value;

  if (widget.onChanged != null) {
    widget.onChanged!(value as T?);