modules/array/main library


concat → dynamic
difference → dynamic
differenceWith → dynamic
intersection → dynamic
intersectionWith → dynamic
sortedIndexOf int Function(List, dynamic)
getter/setter pair
takeWhile List Function(List, dynamic, {dynamic end, int start})
getter/setter pair
union → dynamic
unionWith → dynamic
without → dynamic
xor → dynamic
xorWith → dynamic
zip → dynamic


chunk<T>(List<T> list, {int size = 1}) List<List<T>>
Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size. If array can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining elements.
compact<T>(List<T> list) List<T>
Creates an array with all falsey values removed. The values false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN are falsey.
drop(List list, {int n = 1}) List
dropRight(List list, {int n = 1}) List
dropRightWhile(List list, dynamic predicate) List
dropWhile(List list, dynamic predicate) List
fill(List list, dynamic value, {int start = 0, dynamic end}) List
findIndex(List list, dynamic predicate, {int fromIndex = 0}) int
findLastIndex(List list, dynamic predicate, {dynamic fromIndex}) int
first(List list) → dynamic
flatten(Iterable list) List
flattenDeep(Iterable list) List
flattenDepth(Iterable list, {int depth = 1}) List
fromPairs(List list) Map
indexOf(List list, dynamic value, {int fromIndex = 0}) int
initial(List list) List
join(List list, [String separator = ',']) String
last(List list) → dynamic
lastIndexOf(List list, dynamic value, {dynamic fromIndex}) int
nth(List list, {int n = 0}) → dynamic
remove(List list, dynamic predicate) List
reverse(List list) List
slice(List list, {int start = 0, dynamic end}) List
sortedIndex(List list, dynamic value) int
sortedIndexBy(List list, dynamic value, dynamic iteratee) int
sortedLastIndex(List list, dynamic value) int
sortedLastIndexBy(List list, dynamic value, dynamic iteratee) int
sortedLastIndexOf(List list, dynamic value) int
sortedUniq(List list) List
sortedUniqBy(List list, Function iteratee) List
tail(List list) List
take(List list, {int n = 1}) List
takeRight(List list, {int n = 1}) List
takeRightWhile(List list, dynamic predicate) List
uniq(List list) List
uniqBy(List list, dynamic iteratee) List
unzip(List list) List
zipObject(List list, List values) Map
zipObjectDeep(List list, List values) Map