FCInlineSpanExt extension



defaultSplitSpanAtIndex(SplitAtIndex index, {required bool ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans, required TextSpan copyWithTextSpan(TextSpan span, String? text, List<InlineSpan>? children)}) List<InlineSpan>
initialFontSize(double defaultValue) double
Returns the font size of the first non-empty text in the span, or defaultValue if none.
initialLineHeightScale(double defaultValue) double
Returns the line height of the first non-empty text in the span, or defaultValue if none.
initialText() String
Returns the first non-empty text in the span, or the empty string if none.
splitAtCharacterIndex(int index, {bool ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans = false}) List<InlineSpan>
Splits this span at the given character index and returns a list of one or two spans. If index is zero, or if index is greater than the number of characters in this span, a list containing just this span is returned. If this span was split, a list of two spans is returned, containing the two new spans.