FlexiController class

The FlexiController is used to configure and drive the Flexi Player Widgets. It provides methods to control playback, such as pause and play, as well as methods that control the visual appearance of the player, such as enterFullScreen or exitFullScreen.

In addition, you can listen to the FlexiController for presentational changes, such as entering and exiting full screen mode. To listen for changes to the playback, such as a change to the seek position of the player, please use the standard information provided by the VideoPlayerController.



FlexiController({bool isBrignessOptionDisplay = true, bool isVolumnOptionDisplay = true, required VideoPlayerController videoPlayerController, OptionsTranslation? optionsTranslation, double? aspectRatio, bool autoInitialize = false, bool autoPlay = false, Duration? startAt, bool looping = false, bool fullScreenByDefault = false, FlexiProgressColors? cupertinoProgressColors, FlexiProgressColors? materialProgressColors, Widget? placeholder, Widget? overlay, bool showControlsOnInitialize = true, bool showOptions = true, Future<void> optionsBuilder(BuildContext context, List<OptionItem> flexiOptions)?, List<OptionItem> additionalOptions(BuildContext context)?, bool showControls = true, TransformationController? transformationController, bool zoomAndPan = false, double maxScale = 2.5, Subtitles? subtitle, Widget subtitleBuilder(BuildContext context, dynamic subtitle)?, Widget? customControls, Widget errorBuilder(BuildContext context, String errorMessage)?, bool allowedScreenSleep = true, bool isLive = false, bool allowFullScreen = true, bool allowMuting = true, bool allowPlaybackSpeedChanging = true, bool useRootNavigator = true, List<double> playbackSpeeds = const [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2], List<SystemUiOverlay>? systemOverlaysOnEnterFullScreen, List<DeviceOrientation>? deviceOrientationsOnEnterFullScreen, List<SystemUiOverlay> systemOverlaysAfterFullScreen = SystemUiOverlay.values, List<DeviceOrientation> deviceOrientationsAfterFullScreen = DeviceOrientation.values, FlexiRoutePageBuilder? routePageBuilder, Duration? progressIndicatorDelay, Duration hideControlsTimer = defaultHideControlsTimer})


additionalOptions → (List<OptionItem> Function(BuildContext context)?)
Add your own additional options on top of flexi options
allowedScreenSleep bool
Defines if the player will sleep in fullscreen or not
allowFullScreen bool
Defines if the fullscreen control should be shown
allowMuting bool
Defines if the mute control should be shown
allowPlaybackSpeedChanging bool
Defines if the playback speed control should be shown
aspectRatio double?
The Aspect Ratio of the Video. Important to get the correct size of the video!
autoInitialize bool
Initialize the Video on Startup. This will prep the video for playback.
autoPlay bool
Play the video as soon as it's displayed
cupertinoProgressColors FlexiProgressColors?
The colors to use for controls on iOS. By default, the iOS player uses colors sampled from the original iOS 11 designs.
customControls Widget?
Defines customised controls. Check MaterialControls or CupertinoControls for reference.
deviceOrientationsAfterFullScreen List<DeviceOrientation>
Defines the set of allowed device orientations after exiting fullscreen
deviceOrientationsOnEnterFullScreen List<DeviceOrientation>?
Defines the set of allowed device orientations on entering fullscreen
errorBuilder → (Widget Function(BuildContext context, String errorMessage)?)
When the video playback runs into an error, you can build a custom error message.
fullScreenByDefault bool
Defines if the player will start in fullscreen when play is pressed
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
hideControlsTimer Duration
Defines the Duration before the video controls are hidden. By default, this is set to three seconds.
isBrignessOptionDisplay bool
isFullScreen bool
no setter
isLive bool
Defines if the controls should be shown for live stream video
isPlaying bool
no setter
isVolumnOptionDisplay bool
looping bool
Whether or not the video should loop
materialProgressColors FlexiProgressColors?
The colors to use for the Material Progress Bar. By default, the Material player uses the colors from your Theme.
maxScale double
Max scale when zooming
optionsBuilder → (Future<void> Function(BuildContext context, List<OptionItem> flexiOptions)?)
Build your own options with default flexiOptions shiped through the builder method. Just add your own options to the Widget you'll build. If you want to hide the flexiOptions, just leave them out from your Widget.
optionsTranslation OptionsTranslation?
Pass your translations for the options like:
overlay Widget?
A widget which is placed between the video and the controls
placeholder Widget?
The placeholder is displayed underneath the Video before it is initialized or played.
playbackSpeeds List<double>
Defines the set of allowed playback speeds user can change
progressIndicatorDelay Duration?
Defines a delay in milliseconds between entering buffering state and displaying the loading spinner. Set null (default) to disable it.
routePageBuilder FlexiRoutePageBuilder?
Defines a custom RoutePageBuilder for the fullscreen
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showControls bool
Whether or not to show the controls at all
showControlsOnInitialize bool
Wether or not to show the controls when initializing the widget.
showOptions bool
If false, the options button in MaterialUI and MaterialDesktopUI won't be shown.
startAt Duration?
Start video at a certain position
subtitle Subtitles?
Add a List of Subtitles here in Subtitles.subtitle
getter/setter pair
subtitleBuilder ↔ (Widget Function(BuildContext context, dynamic subtitle)?)
Define here your own Widget on how your n'th subtitle will look like
getter/setter pair
systemOverlaysAfterFullScreen List<SystemUiOverlay>
Defines the system overlays visible after exiting fullscreen
systemOverlaysOnEnterFullScreen List<SystemUiOverlay>?
Defines the system overlays visible on entering fullscreen
transformationController TransformationController?
Controller to pass into the InteractiveViewer component
useRootNavigator bool
Defines if push/pop navigations use the rootNavigator
videoPlayerController → VideoPlayerController
The controller for the video you want to play
zoomAndPan bool
Whether or not to allow zooming and panning


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
copyWith({bool? isBrignessOptionDisplay, bool? isVolumnOptionDisplay, VideoPlayerController? videoPlayerController, OptionsTranslation? optionsTranslation, double? aspectRatio, bool? autoInitialize, bool? autoPlay, Duration? startAt, bool? looping, bool? fullScreenByDefault, FlexiProgressColors? cupertinoProgressColors, FlexiProgressColors? materialProgressColors, Widget? placeholder, Widget? overlay, bool? showControlsOnInitialize, bool? showOptions, Future<void> optionsBuilder(BuildContext, List<OptionItem>)?, List<OptionItem> additionalOptions(BuildContext)?, bool? showControls, TransformationController? transformationController, bool? zoomAndPan, double? maxScale, Subtitles? subtitle, Widget subtitleBuilder(BuildContext, dynamic)?, Widget? customControls, Widget errorBuilder(BuildContext, String)?, bool? allowedScreenSleep, bool? isLive, bool? allowFullScreen, bool? allowMuting, bool? allowPlaybackSpeedChanging, bool? useRootNavigator, Duration? hideControlsTimer, List<double>? playbackSpeeds, List<SystemUiOverlay>? systemOverlaysOnEnterFullScreen, List<DeviceOrientation>? deviceOrientationsOnEnterFullScreen, List<SystemUiOverlay>? systemOverlaysAfterFullScreen, List<DeviceOrientation>? deviceOrientationsAfterFullScreen, Duration? progressIndicatorDelay, Widget routePageBuilder(BuildContext, Animation<double>, Animation<double>, FlexiControllerProvider)?}) FlexiController
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
enterFullScreen() → void
exitFullScreen() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
pause() Future<void>
play() Future<void>
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
seekTo(Duration moment) Future<void>
setLooping(bool looping) Future<void>
setSubtitle(List<Subtitle> newSubtitle) → void
setVolume(double volume) Future<void>
toggleFullScreen() → void
togglePause() → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

of(BuildContext context) FlexiController


defaultHideControlsTimer → const Duration