flexiflow library


FlexiFlow is a widget that provides a design size to its child and enables the possibility to use the size extensions. designSize is the size that you designed your app for, like 375x812. You can take this size from your design tool.
FlowBuilder<DeviceType, FlowType extends IFlow<DeviceType>>
FlowBuilder is a widget that builds a IFlow based widget. It's used to build a IFlow based widget based on the current type of the IFlow.
FlowScreen is a widget that will build a different widget depending on the device size. He has three parameters, mobileChild, tabletChild and desktopChild and depending on the device size, one of them will be built. If you need a different parameter for responsive, you can use the FlowBuilder widget, creating your own flow with the IFlow interface.
Interface class for create custom flows. Type is the type of the flow, you can use a enum, object or any type that you need. getCurrentType is the current type of the flow. It's used to return the current type based on some logic, like the screen size. getCurrentFlow is the current flow based on the current type. It's used to return the current flow widget based on the current type.


FlexExtension on num
Extension for num to calculate responsive size based on the design size.