error property
TonalPalette error colors getter, returns given final _error parameter, but if null falls to M3 default value FlexTonalPalette.of(25, 84).
The error color hue is 25 and chroma 84 and FlexPaletteType.common.
If you construct FlexCorePalette with this default constructor, you
must use the same paletteType
of FlexPaletteType in all passed in
FlexTonalPalettes. They default to FlexPaletteType.common, but if you
use FlexPaletteType.extended you must also provide the error tonal
palette and set its paletteType
to FlexPaletteType.extended as well.
You would typically give it the value:
FlexTonalPalette.of(25, 84, FlexPaletteType.extended) for M3 default
error colors but with more tones available.
FlexTonalPalette get error =>
_error ?? FlexTonalPalette.of(25, 84, FlexPaletteType.common);