defaultRadius property

double? defaultRadius

Border radius used on all widgets when FlexColorScheme use its FlexSubThemesData to configure sub-themes with FlexSubThemes.

These widgets will get their shape border radius from defaultRadius when it is defined:

Defaults to null.

When it is null, the sub-themes will use their null defaults that aim to follow Material 3 standard for all widgets it includes.

When you set defaultRadius to a value, it will override the defaults with this global default. You can still set and lock each individual border radius back for individual widget sub-themes to some specific value, or set it back to its Material 3 standard, which is mentioned in each theme as the used default when its value is null.

Flutter current SDK general border radius is 4, as defined by the Material 2 design guide. Material 3 (You) uses much higher border radius, but it varies by UI widget. You can find the specifications here.


final double? defaultRadius;