typography property

Typography? typography

The color and geometry TextTheme values used to configure textTheme.

Same property as in ThemeData factory. Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith to change it.

Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith if it needs to be changed. Default value deviates from the Flutter standard that uses the old Typography.material2014, in favor of newer Typography.material2018 as default typography if one is not provided.

Never mix different Typography in light and dark theme mode. If you do, lerp between dark and light theme mode will fail due Flutter SDK not being able to handle the use case. See issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/89947

If you use a default light or dark Flutter ThemeData() and a FlexColorScheme.toTheme() ThemeData for the other mode, you must set either the default ThemeData to Typography.material2018 OR the FlexColorScheme.typography to Typography.material2014 to avoid this issue. It is not generally recommended to create your light and dark theme data with different methods. If you use FlexColorScheme, DO use it for both the light and dark theme mode.


final Typography? typography;