swatchContainsColor static method

bool swatchContainsColor(
  1. ColorSwatch<Object> swatch,
  2. Color color

Returns true if the swatch contains color.

Used by the ColorPicker to help reduce rebuilds in certain cases. But you can also use it as help to determine if a color belongs to a given ColorSwatch.


static bool swatchContainsColor(ColorSwatch<Object> swatch, Color color) {
  // We use index list with 850 index included to check all possible indexes
  // in any swatch/ use case that might be used. This covers normal primary,
  // primaries with the 850 index, and via primary also accent index.
  for (final int i in _indexPrimaryWith850) {
    if (swatch[i] == color || swatch[i]?.value32bit == color.value32bit) {
      return true;
  return false;