copyFormat property
Defines the format of the copied color code string.
Defaults to ColorPickerCopyFormat.dartCode.
- ColorPickerCopyFormat.dartCode is Flutter Hex RGB format '0xAARRGGBB'.
- ColorPickerCopyFormat.hexRRGGBB is Hex RGB format with no alpha 'RRGGBB'.
- ColorPickerCopyFormat.hexAARRGGBB is Hex RGB format with alpha 'AARRGGBB'.
- ColorPickerCopyFormat.numHexRRGGBB is Web Hex RGB format with a leading num # sign and no alpha '#RRGGBB'.
- ColorPickerCopyFormat.numHexAARRGGBB is Web Hex RGB format with a
- leading num # sign and alpha '#AARRGGBB'.
final ColorPickerCopyFormat copyFormat;